Thursday, September 29, 2011


I felt the earth shake last night for the FIRST time ever. It was such a creepy feeling. I am sure a lot of you have experienced some type of earthquake, whether tiny or big. I have never felt one, until last night.

Jaydon was awake making noises at about 3 a.m. which awakened me. I got up and went to the bathroom. As i start heading back to bed i decide to stand by my door and listen carefully to what he was doing. As i stood there listening, i suddenly started to hear something coming. Something was coming and i wasn't quite sure what the heck it was. It was like it was coming from a distance and started getting louder and louder. I started freaking out inside. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was coming. At first i thought it was a huge wind gust. Earthquake didn't cross my mind at first b/c i have never experienced or felt even a little one. The door i was standing by started rattling back and forth and the house started rumbling. I realized that couldn't be the wind. So, as soon as my whole house started rattling that's when i realized it was a small earthquake. I didn't feel MYSELF move, but shane felt the bed shake, which in turn shook him. It was such a weird sound. Like i guess i have always imagined. The fact that i could hear the earth moving was such a creepy fascinating feeling. Shane thought it sounded like "bubbling".

It lasted about 5-7 seconds. It was a magnitude 5.0 earthquake. According to the scale a 5.0 is a moderate earthquake. It was quick, but i now know what one is like. I can't say i would want to experience anything more than that. I laid in bed for about 30 minutes after that just replaying that whole situation because it was startling. I must say, if that were to happen during the day i probably never would have noticed it. It's so noisy around this house that it would just blend in with the noise here. I would probably think it's just the boys jumping around upstairs or something. :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

{Bowling, snorkeling, biking, swimming, etc.}

Shane and I went out last night with some friends, without the kids...and then we went on a five hour date today. We did it all for free and the only thing we had to pay for was babysitting! That's the great thing about this place. Snorkeling, free. Biking, free. Swimming, free. The things we like to do together don't really require money...well, that is until we get scuba diving certified. :)
First of all, this morning, Shane and I took our bikes out for the first time since we got our clip-ins for them. AND it was our first time to ride here in Okinawa. We had lots of fun out on our ride. We rode our bikes all around the flight-line. It was cool watching the jets and planes take off while riding along. It was a pretty tough ride because we were riding against the wind just about THE WHOLE TIME! And it is hilly here, so we were riding uphill a lot too. My legs were burning the whole time, but i just have to push through it. Shane ran a 5k this morning so i didn't think he would last as long, but he was always leading. We rode about 12-15 miles. We started our watches late so we aren't sure the exact mileage. We were out for an hour. It was fun.

Then we came home and changed and headed to the SeaWall for some GREAT snorkeling time, just the two of us. It was low tide, so we walked along lots of tidal pools before we got to the water. It's so fun to see those pools b/c there is ocean life in them. I Just LOVE it. When we finally reached the water, that exact spot is where ALL THE OCEAN LIFE started. You had to walk on it to get out further b/c it was so shallow. I went out a little and decided i couldn't handle walking on that stuff b/c i felt like i was killing it. So i tried getting down and started floating and slowing heading out to deeper waters. I made it. Shane didn't make it so well. He ended up getting scraped by coral on his stomach. In the water it didn't look bad, but as soon as we got out of the water it started bleeding pretty good and was swelling up all around the scrapes. It didn't look well. He is fine now though. We got home and took care of it after we snorkeled a bit. :) We have been snorkeling TWICE before this time already. The other places we went to were nothing compared to this place. This was full of ocean plant was everywhere!

In this picture below is an octopus. Shane saw him and pointed him out to me. I never would've seen him on my own. And you know octopus's will change the color of their body to blend into their surroundings. Can you see the octopus in this picture? He was trying to stay hidden from us...we would move away from him, but still watch him from a distance. When we moved away he would poke his head up and just watch us. I think he wanted to move, but not with us around. We would go back closer to him again and then he would hide under the plants again. He was funny.

Some of the plant life. These pictures just DO NOT do the ocean plants justice.
There were TONS of blue starfish ALL OVER THE PLACE. It was so cool.
There were also TONS of anemones. Those things are so cool and pretty. Thanks to movies like NEMO we were able to identify a few things we knew. :)
Here is the drop off. We swam right above all these plants and then it just dropped off, as you can see here. It was so cool coming up to it and seeing it! Just beautiful. I need to be a fish. There were lots of drop offs and lots of crevasses(sp?)....Cave like areas under the water. It was just beautiful under the water. AND i hear it gets so much better. Once we get scuba certified, there is one spot here where every scuba diver wants to go to...its called the Keramas. Its an area of small uninhabited islands and you take a boat ride out to it...about an hour boat ride, i think? I hear its amazing. I CANNOT WAIT to see it. We didn't capture too many fish on camera this snorkeling adventure. First, our camera started acting funny half way through our adventure. We did see a school of fish, which was cool. AND a few LARGE cool looking fish we hadn't seen yet...and of course the small bright blue fish that are everywhere. And the puffer fish and the fish from NEMO. The fish have lots of hiding spots here in this spot. BUT i did enjoy watching the fish feed on the bottom of the ocean.
I wish everyone had the opportunity to come see us here in Okinawa. It's such a neat place with so much to do. I am just dying to get ALL MY FAMILY here to show them this awesome place! :) DYING! :) If i could fly everyone here i would do it in a heartbeat. But we can't.

We went bowling on FHE night. Here are a couple pics... It was lots of fun for us. AND MOMMY beat everyone! woohoo! Girl power! haha...totally kidding. Well, kidding about the girl power, but i really did beat everyone. :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

{Day to Day}

{Swim lessons}
Tanner and Gavin finished their swim lessons this week. Gavin passed his level ONE class and will now move on to level TWO. He can now swim all on his own in the deep end of the pool. He jumps off the diving board all by himself too. It's really cool.

Tanner was in a private lesson. He was doing extraordinary. His teacher said "wow, he is really smart and follows my direction REALLY well. The stuff i was teaching him isn't stuff i usually teach them until they are about 8 years old, but he was catching on so well that i am going to teach him. I am really excited to teach him." She was teaching him rotary breathing(freestyle swim) and also teaching him how to swim on his back. Not the actual backstroke, but the elementary back stroke. "up , out, together". Anyway, he was doing that ALL ON HIS OWN! And he is jumping off the diving board too. It's so fun watching them.

Swim lessons are more money than i planned on spending, BUT its worth it, so i am signing them up for more for the month of october. AND they now have a new one for preschooler's, so jaydon gets to start his first swim lessons as well.

{Walking and walking}
I like to walk gavin to school in the mornings as long as it looks like i won't get poured on. And i decided that if i have to make small errands, i am just going to walk or RUN when i have to do those. It saves gas money, and it keeps me in shape. :) I really enjoy walking. AND i went to my first walking group with some friends the other morning. We go to the Habu Trail. It's a trail that's about 3 1/2 miles long, full of steep up and down hills. Imagine doing that at a fast speed , pushing the double jogging stroller with about 70 pounds of boy in it. It's a toughy. I would say it was definitely tougher than running. The next day my bum was sore. I need to make sure i do that each week. :) It was fun.

{Biking and snorkeling}
Tomorrow, shane and I and one of his dental buddies are going on a 20 mile ride tomorrow. We are riding to the Xanpa lighthouse and back. I am excited to ride my bike for the first time since we have been here, but also nervous b/c we are riding mainly on busy roads. The only comforting thing about riding on these roads is that the speed limit is no more than 50 kilometers per hour. So, they have to drive at a decent speed. Then shane and i will go do some snorkeling after the ride. We are excited. We truly love snorkeling and can't wait to get scuba diving certified.

There are tons of loud bugs here. I hear locusts, but there are many other loud bugs just like them. These other bugs have different sounds than locusts though. There is plenty of jungle like areas around the base and when i walk right by those, it's just an orchestra of music. They are so loud. It's so cool b/c when i listen and close my eyes it sounds just like a real jungle of noise. I love the sound.

It's mid 80's here. The weather here doesn't have major ups and downs like it does in the places we have lived...where one day it's 80's and the next day its 60's. That does not happen here. It's always mid-80's with high humidity. I would say i am used to the humidity. AND to the heat as well. Texas prepared us for that. We keep our home at about 69-70 degrees because shane gets so hot in the night. His body is a heater. Seriously. I should call him "Jacob"...hahah! I am ALWAYS freezing in our home and sometimes have to walk outside just to get warmed up. When i do walk outside it feels sooooooo good. It's such a relief for me. If we move the temperature up to about 73 degrees in our home then i am pretty comfortable with that. It's so weird how our bodies adjust to our surroundings.

We are settled in well enough now. Church finally received our records, which means we will be receiving callings soon. AND considering we are in a branch, we will have at least TWO callings at a time. The Branch President and his counselor came to our home last night to get to know us a little bit. A little bit turned into a 1 hour and 45 minute visit. Shane and the branch president wouldn't stop talking. I think shane just asked for it. :) If you know what i mean. haha!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

{Update on the REAL happenings}

I actually have time to TYPE....
My title is what it is because all i have been posting are our exciting adventures. We have an exciting adventure like those about once a week. So, during the rest of the week we are up to normal things. Let me give you the run down....
1. Shane's dental associate's 9 year old boy walks to our home every morning for a ride to school. He lives just down the street from us. I think he likes us. He doesn't have to show up until 8:25, but gradually he has been showing up earlier and earlier. This morning he showed up at 7:50 a.m. He likes us. I either walk them to school or drive them to school. Load all four boys up and head out.
2. 3 days out of the work week, Shane leaves the house at 6:45 a.m. The other two days he doesn't have to be there til about 8 a.m.
3. Tanner has private swim lessons on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Then i go grocery shopping. Other days, i might mow our lawn, which takes a whole HOUR to do, and other days i will clean during this time.
4. After that, i feed the boys lunch right at 11 a.m. Then Put Jaydon down for a nap.
5. My friend's son is in the same preschool as Tanner. She picks Tanner up at 12:45 p.m. I get some more chores done around the home, and then get about ONE hour to sit and do what i want. yay! And i usually spend that hour on the internet on pinterest. It's too much fun.
6. Around 2:30 p.m. i start heading to the school to pick up the boys. I either walk or drive, depending on if it looks like i might get down poured on. Here, it will be sunny one minute and pouring the next, but the sun is still out and you start wondering WHERE the rain is coming from. :) And if i drive i like to get there early enough to get a parking spot, otherwise i am screwed.
7. I go meet Noah and Gavin in front of the school. Then head to the preschool and pick up Tanner and his friend Kaeden. After i pick them up, you realize My car is full of FIVE boys who LOVE being together in the car for those almost 10 minutes. FIVE boys. WHat have i done to be BLESSED(grinding teeth) with so many boys in my LIFE! :)
8. I drop off Noah and Kaeden at their houses. Arrive home and have to find a snack for the boys immediately before the whining starts otherwise they might die.
9. Then i start getting dinner ready. Shane gets home at 4:00 in the afternoon's now. LOVE. Sooooo, i have to make sure i have dinner cooking when he walks in the door b/c he is ALWAYS ready to eat when he walks through that door....doesn't matter what TIME it is.
10. Gavin has group swim lessons at 6:00p.m. three days a week. It's 45 minutes long.
11.After that we head home, do our bed time routine and usually get the boys in bed by 7:30 p.m.
That's usually my days...of course there are other random things that ALWAYS seem to pop up that i have to squeeze in there. :)
I have managed to read a book though! It's called The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. It's a GREAT book. If you haven't read it, then i will tell you to go get a copy RIGHT NOW and READ It! It's an amazing TRUE story. Henrietta Lacks is an African American woman who died during times of segregation at the age of 31 from cervical cancer. Doctors did a biopsy of her cervix before she died. Her cells were the FIRST immortal cells on this earth. Because of those cells millions of lives have been saved and helped. The author of this book spent years upon years trying to find the truth behind this woman and the facts of her family. She dives into Henrietta's life and the DRAMA that was in it, along with explaining these cells and helping people understand the situation. There is black history in this story too...things i never knew about. I grew a greater understanding of things that African American's had to go through during those times....There is sadness in this story, but its a book that's HARD to put down once you start it! You also learn a bit about medical history and experimentation. It's CRAZY!!! Let's say MEDICINE has come a long way from what it used to be! The author does a GREAT job telling the story of Henrietta, and her family. Soooo good!
Life is crazy. One minute you are basking in the sun, the next minute you are getting poured on by the rain. That's life. You have the HARD moments, and then the good moments that quickly make you forget all the hard moments. Thank goodness! Sometimes during those hard moments you wonder how you are going to make it. During those times is when you really learn who you are. You learn what you are made of . You learn how to survive. You grow from it, you become who you are meant to be. As hard as it can be while you are in those HARD moments, i always know deep down that this will make me a different person....for the better if i choose to do good from it....or for the worse if i choose the opposite.
Things have been hard the past year. Well, things were Hard in cleveland has just been hard in lots of ways. Lots of stuff has gone on in my life that has effected me in many many ways . In Wichita Falls, lots of loneliness on my part. Shane was never home. I was stuck in the house a lot with the kids. It wasn't a fun time. My fun times were when family came in or when i was with my best friend. I Didn't really have friends to do stuff with in texas like i did in cleveland. The move here was extremely hard. Just sooooo much going on and its hard on the kids, its just HARD. :) I feel like things are FINALLY starting to settle down. phew. I am ready. AND sometimes as a mom you wonder if you are teaching your kids wonder if they are learning anything you tell them, and you wonder if they are learning from your example(which is most important). I always hope, every hour of everyday, that my kids will know what i believe by how i act. I fail a lot in many areas. BUT i try my hardest to be what i know they need me to be. AND for the past couple of years, for some reason, i have been feeling like maybe i am not a good mom. WELL, i know i am a good mom, but then again i question it a lot. Naturally i would do this b/c being a mom is a HUGE responsibility and i like to succeed at all my responsibilities. And if i feel like i am failing then its HARD. I am a very competitive person...not with others, but with myself. when i see my kids act a certain way it makes me wonder what i am doing wrong. OR when i don't see the results that i hope to get from my hard work as a mother, its very HARD and disheartening. TWO things have happened recently that have given me a glimpse into what i am hoping for them! :) yay!!!!
1. I was stressed. I wasn't being mean to jaydon, but i was acting stressed and he could sense it, i am sure. It's always written all over my face. I changed his diaper. I stayed sitting on the floor after i changed it. He stood up and we were now at eye level. He came toward me , wrapped his arms around me tight and gave me such a good hug. Then he pulled away, held my face in his hands, looked in my eyes, smiling at me, almost like he was saying "its okay mom." and then he gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then he held my face in his hands again and just smiled at me. MAN i needed that. I SO LOVED IT you have no idea how much i loved it. It immediately cheered up my heart and i couldn't be stressed anymore. What a little angel he is.
2. I often wonder if my views and beliefs are having any effect on my kids at all. One thing i always try to make sure they know is that even if people believe different than us, it doesn't mean they are less than us. They are still good people. Everyone is a good person no matter how different they are. So, here is the story....We were getting ready to go bowling last night for Family home evening. I said "i hope they don't allow smoking in there." I said that b/c tanner was wheezing yesterday, and b/c he has a lung deficiency, so i didn't want to go if it was allowed. But we assumed it wasn't allowed. Somehow that led to a conversation with gavin about smoking. I told him that some people do it even though they know it's bad for them. He said "Yeah, that's sad." pause. i said "yeah, it is." and then he said "but they are still good people." Oh my gosh. I so loved hearing my 6 year old say that! I was so proud of him and i said "YES, gavin, you are so right!!! " At that moment i realized that maybe i am having some kind of effect on my kids and that they are picking up on what i know to be true. i love it. It was so rewarding hearing him say that. :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

{SUSHI Adventures...}

Shane and I went on a date yesterday for the first time in MONTHS! About time! :) We were originally going to snorkel, go for a bike ride AND go eat at some japanese restaurant. That had to be cancelled because we aren't allowed in the water right now. We are under a tccor-3...which means a tropical storm is close on its way. We have a website we get on everyday and it tells us the status of the ocean current. It will tell us CAUTION, DANGER, SAFE...depending on the current. It's been danger for a few days. So, we obviously couldn't snorkel. And it pours one minute, sun shines one minute, pours again the next minute. Lots of scattered showers while these tropical storms decide what they want to do. They keep hanging around really close while moving really slow. So, we really didn't want to bike in that. Soooo, what to do instead? We went to YellowBox, which sells Ashley furniture for a great price...something you won't find in the states, thats for sure. We looked around. Spotted a few things we wanted. We decided to wait a couple weeks for the new shipment of the canadian and european furniture. :)
THEN we decided to be ADVENTUROUS. We went to a sushi bar...a revolving sushi bar. You take your seat at a bar and in front of you is a conveyor belt. All different types of sushi make its way on the conveyor belt.... When you see what you want come by then you just grab it off the belt. Each sushi is on a color coded plate. It helps you figure out what it is that you are eating AND the price. Shane and I decided to be adventurous and try Raw squid legs, octopus, and a variety of fish, among them was salmon. Raw fish is better than cooked fish. I like the texture of raw fish much better than the texture of cooked fish. Weird, i know. It all tasted so goood! AND it didn't even taste fishy. I didn't realize there are so many different variations of sushi. I thought all sushi was rolled sushi, wrapped in seaweed. Which is called makizushi(rolled sushi). It's not. There are many different forms of sushi. One other popular one there that we ate a lot of was called nigirizushi, which is a mound of sushi rice which is pressed into a small rectangular box, usually topped with wasabi and a topping placed over it. The topping usually was a small piece of raw fish. Here is a picture of what it was that we ate. I will point out a few things to you that i remember from the sushi bar. The fish at the top of the plate, the all white one, is probably fresh raw squid. It was very white and pretty looking. The stuff to the right of the squid is pickled ginger. That was really good. You can add a piece to your sushi to add some taste and it was GOOD! You can see the sauce up at the top left of the picture. It was like a soy sauce, but tasted a lot better than soy sauce. If you look at the bottom right picture, that is actually egg on sushi rice. I think one of those other fish is a snapper....but i am not sure the others. I will eventually get it down and know all these fish. That's exciting! Here is a picture of one that i didn't try and not sure if i will be able to. It was salmon roe...which is the eggs of salmon. If any of you have tried this, let me know how it tastes. :) I want to be adventurous and try it, but it creeps me out.
Honestly, it made me grossed out a little while eating sushi just KNOWING i was eating RAW fish, even though i did like the taste. I just have to get over the fact that its raw and i will thoroughly enjoy it b/c it really is good. :)
The regular sushi rolls that we tried were stuffed with tuna, crab and avocado. It was okay. I didn't know tuna was in it, but i KNOW the taste of tuna and identified it as soon as i took a bite. :) Tuna isn't a taste i like. The next place we want to eat at is called The Garlic House. They serve sashimi, which i hear is really good. It's just raw fish, served without the sushi rice. You just eat the raw fish, usually with some sauce you can dip it in and also some ginger. They also cook food in front of you. I hear its good.
Anyway, our sushi adventure was AN ADVENTURE. :) i am so glad we did it. And i am ready for round TWO! :)
Here are the squid legs we ate...yum yum! hahaha! Really, it didn't have much taste. It was kind of weird having those chewy legs in my mouth. But it was decent. I really like the octopus a lot better than the squid.
Then we drove around and tried to find a massage place to get a couples massage done. I went into two places to see if we could walk-in. One place doesn't allow men. haha! And at the other place the schedules were full that day. And it was interesting trying to have a conversation with an okinawan ...we just don't understand each other! hahaha! Anyway, i really really wish i knew more japanese. That would be nice. We drove around for awhile trying to find a massage place. :) Oh well. But i do know we can get a full hour body massage for $30 here on base. So, i really need to check into that and do it once a month.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

{Toguchi Beach}

We went to Toguchi Beach with our it is...This is where they do baptisms. At first i wondered how they could do baptisms here b/c it goes straight out into rocky areas with lots of sea urchins, but i realized it was low tide, which explained a lot. High tide would make it better. :)A little quaint beach. We went here with our friends. We heard it was a great spot. It is a great spot for exploring, but not when you want to swim. Snorkeling is great here too. I was able to find TONS of seaglass here. We saw tons of crabs, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. We also saw a blue starfish, which you will see in one of the pics below....
Exploring around the beach i came upon this tomb. Interesting. The first thing i thought of when i saw this is the history of this island. I read a book recently called The Girl With the White Flag, which tells a true story about a little girl and what she went through during WWII time here on this island. 250,000 people died here in Okinawa. So sad. I am anxious to get to the south part of this island b/c they have tons of historical stuff there about that time here in Okinawa.So, i wonder how old that tomb is. And to the left of that, in the dark abyss you see, is a small tunnel you can walk through that brings you out to the beach.We were at the beach during low tide, so we saw lots of tidal pools. The boys are down there finding all the sea urchins, crabs and cucumbers. At one point shane had a stand off with a crab. :)Here's jaydon filling his sack with sand and seashells...The blue starfish...Shane found an anemone while snorkeling...Our cute little beach....we were all surrounded my caves and big rocks. It was a really cool beach b/c it was so secluded and we were in the shane the whole time while sitting b/c of all the rocks formations.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Our sweet ride...haha! Really it was so much fun. The boys loved it. I sat right next to Gavin and shane and I had pedals to get that thing moving. When we came upon small hills the boys put their hands up like they were on a rollercoaster. They loved it.Here i am snorkeling. Shane and I did some snorkeling and it was so cool. I cannot wait to go snorkeling again. We saw starfish, a sea biscuit, a puffer fish, different kinds of fish, clams, sea cucumbers, and anemone's. Just so cool. And it's a beautiful little walk to get to the spot we went to.We went with six other families to this resort, whose husbands are all dentists here at the clinic, and stayed in condos right on the beach. It was freakin B-E-A-utiful. It was a two hour drive North. So, we ended up being close to the tip of the island. The price was awesome, and the price to do all the water activities was an absolute steal.
This picture below is a view of the beach where we played at....
Shane went out on a boat with a few other people and they got pulled around behind the boat on a tube. They had a blast.
Here is a scenic view. You see that little mountain right behind us? We climbed one just like it and we could see about a 260 degree view out. It was gorgeous. Can you see that dragonfly in the picture?It's to the left of my head up in the clouds. haha!Here we are walking up the mountain for the view.The water is so so so gorgeous blue. You just can't take it all in completely unless you are there. It was more blue than any place i have been to. Truly, the color was amazing. I could have stared at it all day long.
On our bike ride we rode on this trail. It was so fun...Shane and Gavin found this hermit crab. He is the coolest one we have found so far. His shell is obviously what makes him so cool. :)Tanner and mommy playing in the water....Sweet jaydon floating around in the waves. He was so content just letting the waves move him around. He just floated and floated and loved it. If we tried moving him back over closer to us, he DID NOT like it. We weren't allowed to touch his floaty. He layed his head on his floaty and i thought he was going to fall asleep....Our beach and our friends... If you notice the sand, it looks rocky. Those are all shells and dried up coral. The beaches here make it so easy to find shells of all kinds. :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

{Zakimi Castle and Maeda Flats}

Today we decided to go check out some more stuff on the island. There are lots of beaches and lots of castles. So, we went and did both! :)

We went to Maeda Flats. It's a BEAUTIFUL beach. This picture is part of the beach. It's like having your own private beach. It's so cool.
This is another part of the beach we were at...
The boys snorkeling. They loved it.

Shane and I brought our snorkeling gear too. We took turns snorkeling and enjoyed taking pictures. There were TONS of Urchins everywhere. This was pretty shallow area so we had to be careful.
This is an area where lots of fish were hanging out.
Lots of cool fish.
If you look down you can see some scuba divers. and if you look UP you can see those long skinny fish. Those fish were really long and and really skinny. There were tons of them just hanging out at the top of the water ALL around me. It was so cool.

More of our beach area.

The boys saw a tiny little crab...not a hermit crab, but a real crab. It was small though. And they were able to see a bunch of small fish all feeding on some food.

Maeda Flats. Loved it here. Shane and I really want to be able to go out for a WHOLE day to go do some snorkeling together and to just do whatever we want. Hopefully, if we can find a sitter for the whole day, we will go out next saturday snorkeling together.
The pathway to get to Maeda beach. Really, it was beautiful.
Here we are at Zakimi Castle ruins. We stopped here on our way to Maeda Flats.

The view from the top of Zakimi Castle...

Inside Zakimi Castle...

Gavin look EXTRA happy in this picture! :)
Took a beautiful walk around part of the castle.... We saw the weirdest flying bug. It was huge and i don't know what it was. I kept walking while they looked at it. I didn't want to get attacked by the flying bug....more like a flying bird.
Another view of the ocean from the top of Zakimi Castle....

The front and entrance to Zakimi Castle...