One week and 1 day after graduation the movers came to our home and packed us all up. It took them 2 days and when they left on that second day shane and i cleaned up, said our last goodbyes to cleveland and drove to minnesota. We arrived at my parents house on Thursday morning. We were sooooooo excited to see our boys. It was so good to be back with them again. Zsa Zsa and papa kept them very busy while they were there without us. They went fishing, went to the park, went on lots of bike rides, played out in the yard with the dogs, played on the slip n slide, painted bird houses, etc. They had lots of fun. The boys would dig up there own worms with papa. Then papa hooked on a little trailer on the back of his riding lawnmower, put the boys in that trailer and rode the mower down the street to a natural spring where they would fish. They love fishing now. I can't say thanks enough to my parents for keeping them safe, keeping them busy and happy, and spoiling them and loving them. Thank you!
So, after we got there here are some things we have been doing that i have taken pictures of...
Here we were at the Memorial Day Parade in Austin, MN.

Here are all three boys bathing together. Boy does Jaydon LOVE getting in the bathtub. It is hilarious watching him.
Papa had lots of fun taking Gavin to the store and buying him a bike and helmet so he could ride around. He LOVES his new bike and helmet. He flies on that thing! It made me realize that something is wrong with the bike we have for him b/c he has such a hard time peddling the one we bought him. This one is so much easier for him.
Enjoying a popsicle out in the hot hot sun.
Slip n slide...Tanner is always trying to drink the water. He is very different from Gavin.

More slip n slide.

I still have so many more pics to post of other things we have been doing as well. I will get them up soon. I love it here. It is so pretty and we are sort of out in the country. It is so peaceful and relaxing. We watch deer everyday. There is a little fawn that was just born and we have seen it a few times. It is so darn tiny and cute. The doe has tried attacking our cat and dogs b/c they must get close to where she keeps her fawn and so she attacks. It is hilarious and entertaining. We can hear owls in the morning and night. My parents also have bird feeders out back and we get to see all kinds of different birds...swallows, robins, orioles, humming birds, etc. It is really cool. I so want to live out in the country like this one day. The only thing they are missing is a garden! I want a garden. :) Shane and I have been running a lot. We love being able to run TOGETHER. All summer we get to run together! I will be sad when he has to go back to work. The boys like to run now. I went for a run with them the other day and Tanner doesn't like to go on bike when my dad and gavin ride their bikes Tanner just wants to run. It is so cute. He is getting faster than he used to be. They also like to go downstairs and workout. They came upstairs today and told me that they "had a good workout". Gavin told me that he went 1000 miles on the elliptical. I love it.

Shane is leaving on Monday to drive to Idaho. Gavin is going to ride with him. Tuesday i am flying to SLC with Jaydon and Tanner. Shane is going to pick us up at the airport and then we are heading up to his parents house and then our next adventure begins! This summer is full of exciting things and it is already going by so fast.
To be continued...
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