Thursday, September 23, 2010

{Angels from above}

Can i just say...there are A LOT of things that don't make sense in this world; Things people do, the way people act, things people say, media, politics,etc. The only thing that does make perfect sense to me is my boys and my husband. When i see them suddenly everything makes sense. When there are times i feel down for one reason or another, or uneasy about something, or nervous, or when anything might be bothering me or whatever it may soon as i see my boys and my husband everything is suddenly better. I am fine. I will always be good as long as i have them. :* And when i am happy, and not stressed or anxious, but just content and happy...seeing them doubles my happiness and i reach a happiness inside that is probably the extent of what i am capable of feeling in this life. The love i feel for my family and the 3 angels that Heavenly Father gave Shane and I suddenly puts everything into perspective and seeing them makes sense of everything. Seeing them makes my purpose in life clear. Seeing them makes sense of life and why we are here. With Shane and the 3 boys we will One day have lots of priesthood blessings going on around here! I will be Surrounded and protected by my four men. :) I am one lucky momma.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

We totally need to hook up with you guys now that you're TEXANS! Ryan has gotten a few texts from Shane but we don't have texting on our phones so he keeps meaning to just call him. Hopefully we can figure something out soon. We'd love to visit with you guys!