Wednesday, June 12, 2013

{Summer time!!!}

June 13th at 11:30 a.m. school was dismissed for the summer!  The boys are excited! :) I am excited too!!!
June 11th was my 32nd Birthday. eek!  Shane surprised me BIG time on my birthday. He was getting ready to walk out the door to head to work. Before he left he told me to look behind the speaker on the computer desk. There was a paper and I opened it up and it gave me clues to find "events".  He lead me to the first event that said he has taking the whole day off to spend it with ME on MY birthday. I have really been needing some major one on one time with him, so of course i started crying because i was so excited that i would be spending the WHOLE day with him. He found a babysitter for Jaydon all day long. I haven't been so excited for something in so long. :) So, first he took me scuba diving. This picture below is of us AFTER scuba diving...
Then we went home to shower and we went out to lunch. After lunch, we went to a couples massage. ONE hour couples massage. Oh man it was wonderful. I loved it.
The massage place was called "Secret Garden". It was a secret garden. I really like this place.
Then we went to pick the boys up from school. It was a pretty hot day so we sent them outside to play with their squirt guns and run in the sprinkler.
While they were out running  in the sprinkler shane was baking my birthday cake. He also was really on a mission to get our house looking orderly. I loved it.
Shortly after dinner there was a knock on our door. I answered it and all our friends were standing there and said "surprise!"... Man, i felt really loved. Shane had called them and asked them to do it, but it still felt so nice knowing i have friends that close to me that would be willing to come over and make me feel loved. Shane got the firepit going in the backyard for us, we all sat around it and chatted and ate cake and ice cream. We also had a pinata for the kids. It was actually supposed to be for Jaydon's birthday party but we forgot to do it. It was such an enjoyable evening hanging with friends who feel like family. Shane really made me feel loved on my 32nd birthday. It was much needed and i feel so grateful for that day. :)

On June 12th Gavin had his last field trip of the school year. They went bowling. I hadn't been on a field trip with him and he asked me to go on this one. I found a sitter for Jaydon and i went along with them. It was so fun watching the kids. They did glow in the dark bowling, they blasted the music and had a huge screen at the end of each bowling alley that played music videos(appropriate ones of course)...some music by Bieber, Swift, harlem shake, michael jackson. All the kids sang to all the music, danced , etc. I think they got more into dancing and singing than they did the bowling. It was fun.  I was able to get some video of Gavin dancing. He was cracking me up. This picture below is Gavin and his friend Triego. He and his twin brother were in our branch for awhile until the boundaries changed. Plus they were in the same class. Gavin had an amazing teacher for his 2nd grade year. Mr. Reinert. He was just such a good teacher. This was his last year. He is now retiring and moving to Hawaii with his wife.
Eating lunch at the bowling alley, the YMCA song came on and before you knew it , all the kids were up SCREAMING Y, M , C, A! It was fun watching them. :) Most of the kids are to the right of this picture.

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