Monday, November 2, 2009

{Halloween, Fall, baby Jaydon, Learning new things}

This is what we have been up to in the past week...

Raking the leaves and playing in them. That tree with the yellow leaves is on that is in our neighbors yard, but part way in ours, so we get to enjoy the beauty of the bright yellow leaves everytime we walk out our back door. I love that tree. We pile all of our raked leaves next to the curb and the city comes by and sucks them up in some machine. It is nice. :) The boys look really happy to be having mommy take this picture, don't they?! :) haha.

After we raked all the leaves we came inside and had some yummy hot chocolate.
Here are the boys carving their pumpkins a few days before halloween and we also made caramel apples, which is a fall tradition.
Here are our boys on Halloween. Tanner has been waiting for a WHOLE MONTH to finally get to wear his costume, as you all know from one of my posts a month ago. He was the coolest and cutest Buzz-lightyear and everyone that saw him had to say something about how cute he was, which was A LOT. :) I had to agree with them. I wanted to eat him up all night long! Gavin was sooooo cool in his Optimus Prime. He ran into another Optimus, he also saw Bumblebee and Megatron!!! People would see him and start singing the Transformers song or they would say, "Oh, that is my favorite movie!!" He was proud. Little Jaydon was a giraffe. Gavin wore this when he was 10 months old and it was a tight squeeze. It's a size 12-18 month costume. Jaydon fit perfect into it. Anymore growing and he wouldn't have fit in it so well. Here are their pumpkins all lit up outside. I wore my sisters Kitty Ears, tail, and bow around my neck. :) It was a fun fun night. There is a certain street we go trick or treating on that is pretty hoppin every year. It was fun. We also started a little funny family tradition....We had a trial-run Turkey dinner on Halloween night. I made a little Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and rolls. We ate that before we went trick or treating and we listened to scary sounds while we ate. It sounds funny, but it was kind of fun for us and it got us EXCITED for Thanksgiving Day!!! :) And Auntie Holly was with us the whole time which made it even more special. :)

And here is baby Jaydon. He is 5 months old now. Isn't he the cutest?!?! He sleeps pretty good through the night, but he is in a habit of waking up at about 4:30 in the morning. Anyone have any advice on what i can do so that he will stop waking up and just sleep 12-13 hours straight?!?! I know, i could let him cry it out, but he is different than my others. He screams hysterically and acts like he is dying. I just can't handle letting him do that. I have tried once and he will go on and on. The longest i let him cry for was about 2 hours and he won't stop. Any other ideas?

And here is daddy teaching Gavin to ride his bike without the little wheels on the back. We are going to go to the tennis court later today to teach him b/c we don't have enough room here at our house. If we were at the tennis court i think he would get the hang of it a lot faster. By the way, i learned how to ride my bike on a tennis court...remember dad? So, it will be fun doing the same thing with Gavin. :)

The day after Halloween i took all the Halloween stuff down, cleaned my house, and put up Thanksgiving and a few Christmas decorations. I am going to hold off on listening to Christmas music until Thanksgiving. It will be hard, but i need to wait.


Mandi Kay said...

LOVED seeing the pics and reading your post! It made me want to take a trip out there so badly!!! I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall while you guys were eating your Thanksgiving dinner to scary sounds! HA HA! Thanks for posting!

Ashley said...

Ash I am so excited we are going to be there so soon! I love all of the pictures. I am glad that you have put up a few of your Christmas decorations. I want to put some of mine up but I have to wait on that one. I will get them up though. The boys look great. I can't wait to be there with you guys!!! Love you all so much!!!!!

Lauri said...

Ash! I loved hearing the music on your blog from highschool! Wow, brings back memories. :)
The boys look so darn cute in their Halloween costumes! I love the pic of them by the caramel apples...Tanner's tongue is even sticking out a little! Too funny! I can't believe how big Jaydon is getting and I haven't even held him yet! :( Sad sad!
I really wish you were here to help me figure out my camera!! AHHH! I need to just have patience and not try to learn everything all at once. I think that's my problem...