Thursday, July 10, 2008

Unexplained phenomenon...

Okay, so there are times where i wake up in the morning and have complete anxiety in my stomach and i have NO CLUE WHY?!?! I have nothing to be anxious about. Well, it got to the point where i realized a pattern. Every morning that i would feel an unexplained anxiety were the same mornings Shane was feeling anxiety about something that was coming up in his day. This morning i woke up with anxiety, and finally realizing a pattern i asked shane, Do you feel anxious this morning? He said, "Yes, why?" I said, "Well b/c i have anxiety and i don't know why...and that seems to be the only explanation these days for it." Isn't that so weird? Like, i have gotten nervous for know, like when you watch some intense thing on t.v. and you put yourself in their position and get nervous for them b/c you know how scary or nerve wracking what they are going through is. Well, with Shane, it is the opposite. I don't know about his anxieties. I just start feeling major unexplained anxiety and then later find out he has anxieties for the day b/c their is a test, or something new that he is nervous about. I literally feel his pain. That is so strange to me. Anyone experience this with your own spouse? How is it possible for me to feel his anxieties before i even know about them? By the way, check out my photography blog....


Amanda said...

It is kind of like sympathy pains when women are pregnant! Kevin always had heartburn and he would ask me if i had heartburn and I did.

I have felt like that with certains with Kevin! Strange, yet true!

Lauri said...

That is crazy!! It's neat in a way b/c you are so connected with him, but of course, it's not fun to feel anxiety. :)
A few times when Graham has gotten hurt when he's not here, I've felt like something is wrong. When I was pregnant, he hit a deer (running an errand for me!!) and I felt nervous before I knew about it. This last time, when he had the accident with his head, literally one minute before he came in, I felt like I should check on him and I didn't!! Talk about guilt! UH!!! Anyway, that's as close as I can get to what you are feeling! :)