Monday, May 16, 2011

{Quite possibly the BEST weekend EVER}

I was invited to join my best friend, Lauri, and her mom for a trip to OKC to attend Time-Out for Women, which is put on by Deseret Books. It started Friday night and ended Saturday at 3:30 p.m.
I arrived to the Renaissance Hotel, which was connected onto the convention center where the Time-Out for Women was held. Ummm...valet parking. haha! I pulled up and they took my car for me. Whenever we left the hotel they pulled our car up for us and opened our doors for us. I felt like a celebrity or something! haha! I don't do valet parking people, so this was definitely exciting for me! :) As soon as i got there on Friday evening we headed to the Time-Out and watched singing and uplifting speakers. It was awesome. After that was over at 9:30 we went to eat at the Hotel grill. It was very yummy food. We were one of the only people in there and had fun chatting, talking and laughing. We did run into some ladies we knew from Tulsa, where we grew up. That was fun!
The next day(Saturday) Time-Out started at 9:00 a.m. BUT first, we ordered room service! We had our breakfast delivered to our room! It was 30 minutes late, but still, i loved it. :) On our way into Time-Out for Women we each got cute tote bags! There were occasional 20 minute breaks and a lunch break. It ended at 3:30 p.m. The speakers were awesome and the music was GREAT. Hillary Weeks was one of the singers and she is so fun to listen to and such a funny lady. It was such an uplifting and motivating experience. The speakers were so impressive and the Spirit was wonderful there. If you ever have an opportunity to attend one of these, you must.
When it ended at 3:30 we decided to go watch more uplifting stuff, so Lauri's mom took us to see the movie Soul Surfer. It was truly a great movie. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to buy it for my family. It was done by the people who created FireProof and a few other movies like it that we have seen, but i can't remember the names right now. After the movie, her mom took us to Cheesecake Factory for some GREAT dinner and yummy dessert!!! Then we headed back to our room and hung out til we fell asleep.
Sunday(no judging allowed) morning we slept in until 8:30 a.m. Then we laid in bed for about an hour and a half and started reading one of our many books that Lauri's mom bought for us at the Time-Out for Women. She seriously spoiled us. We then headed down to eat a light lunch, before heading to our SPA treatment that Lauri's mom set up for us at 12:30. We received a ONE hour full body massage and then a 45 minute Facial. Seriously, amazing. It was the best thing ever. I was so relaxed. We loved it. Then from there we drove to my house where shane had made dinner for us and he made the house so clean. He is so wonderful. I am so grateful he took charge of the house for the weekend so that i could have a girl get-away. He is amazing. We ate dinner and then us girls headed out again. We went to a concert. CELTIC WOMAN. It was awesome!! If you haven't see them perform, you must!!! We had FRONT row seats that Lauri's mom bought for us. It was amazing!!!! We felt like being in the front made us feel like we had our own private concert with them. They were always looking down and smiling at the people in the front row and you just felt like you were the only one there. They have amazing voices and they are such great performers. It was great. The music is great! I can't wait to watch them in concert again. If you live in Houston or San Antonio, they are coming to your city in a few days! You must go! You will really enjoy it and i have no doubt that guys can get into it as well. After that we headed to Braum's and got ice cream and french fries, in remembrance of past times. We used to eat ice cream and dip our fries in them. It was good. :) They dropped me off at home after that and went to their hotel.
This morning they came over and brought some yummy breakfast for us all. We sat and ate together and then chatted for a little while and then sadly, they had to leave. OUR awesome girl's weekend of being completely SPOILED was over. :(
I can't tell you how grateful i am that i had the opportunity to go with them and be completely spoiled. Lauri's mom AND lauri were answers to my prayers....i mean, this was way MORE than i ever prayed for or ever expected. Man, it exceeded any expectation i ever had. :) The Lord will answer prayers and often times he sends loved one's to help. :) It was definitely so needed and it was such a blessing to be able to do that with them. I feel so motivated and ready for life again. It was such a relaxing, uplifting, energy picker-upper for me. I learned so much and have a different perspective on life. And to do that with my best friend and second mom...makes it even better. And the fact that my husband was so willing to help me out so that i could enjoy it is so wonderful. He seriously held down the fort amazingly well. :) I am so grateful. Seriously. For everything. I will be posting things on here that i learned from it.

You want to know what my upcoming summer is like?!?! Craziness. Good thing i had this last weekend get-away b/c my summer is going to be busy and tiring, but fun.

May 26-31: Bob and Janet are coming.
May 31-june 5: Holly is flying in to stay here for 6 days.
June 10-17: my parents are coming and staying for a week.
June 19th-24:Lauri and Jocelyn are coming.
June 30th-July 11th: We are flying to Idaho. Shane only gets to be there for 5 of those days.
July 11th-26 Then from Idaho, i am flying to straight to MInnesota, where i will spend 2 weeks. We will head home just in time for shane to be in his last week of work here and to start packing our house.
July 26th- Go back to home in Texas.
July 26th- August 10th: Packing and preparing for move.
Mid-August: Moving to Japan


Lauri said...

You made me cry!!! It could be in part b/c the weekend is over and I'm missing it!!!!!! hahaha. Seriously, it was AMAZING and I am SO HAPPY we got to share it with you! What a fun filled few days we had together! And so many more memories that we have now and will always look back on. If I could rewind one weekend and enjoy it all over again, that would DEFINITElY be the one!!!! Miss you.

Lauri said...

P.S. I'll send you some pics soon! :)