Monday, February 11, 2008

Haiwaiin Haystacks...

Last night we had all of our friends over for dinner. It is so much fun when we all get together. We had 5 other couples here, plus their kids, which is about 2 kids per couple. Unfortunately we had one couple who couldn't be here b/c their little boy was in the hospital. We had haiwaiian haystacks and some cake and just talked for over 2 hours. I like houses that are really open and our house here is just really tight. It was a tight fit for all of us, but that is alright. :) There were a total of 11 kids and 12 adults. Crazy! When we first got here to school we were having get togethers all the time, but we haven't done it for awhile since our second year started, so it was tons of fun.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That sounds like so much fun!!! I bet your house was wild!!! I need to do something like that at our house. I love hanging out and laughing with people!