Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Jaydon is 3 1/2 months away from turning 2 years old! I can't believe it! Soooo, i meant to post this Feb. 1st but never did. So, here are a few things about Jaydon...
He can say...
1. Gone
2. Oh no!
3. DAD! (He yells it!)
4. Milk
5. Teeth
6. For blanky he says "ttssseee". Not sure why.
7. poo poo (he tells me he is poopy)
8. book
9. NO
10. mom
11. pee pee
12. okay
13. Bath
14. Ball
15. Yummy
16. Peewww
17. Ouch
18. eeww
19. hello
20. Down
He is at the point now where he is repeating EVERYTHING i say. He is starting to catch on quick. It's really fun watching him and listening to him try to say what i say. :)
He loves to....
1. tackle his brothers to the ground
2.Eat everything in the house.
3. Get into everything he shouldn't.
5. dance
6.Play tag
7. Make a mess
8. Watch me cook
9. Run
10. Destroy things that shouldn't be destroyed
11. Tease his family...seriously. It's funny.
12. Be roughed up
13. Be LOUD
14. Sit on your lap or just sit on you.
15. Take a bath and splash the water like a crazy man. He soaks the floor.
16. charm people with his eye contact and big smile.
17. Wave HI and BYE
18. He loves his blanky!
19. Brush his teeth
He doesn't like to eat...
1. salad
2. veggies (his brothers eat their veggies just fine, but not Jaydon!)
He loves to eat...
1. Fruit(especially bananas!)
2. Sweets
3. Meat
4. pbj sandwich
7. Fruit snacks!
8. Anything that's not a vegetable
He does not like...
1. When his sippy cup is empty. It always needs some liquid in it.
2. When you don't give him attention when he wants it.
3. A poopy diaper
4. Having an empty stomach
5. Sleeping( he makes noises in his bed all through the night)
6. Sitting still
7. Being ignored
8. Wearing shoes
One thing Tanner really likes about Jaydon is that "he is a FUN baby".

1 comment:

Lauri said...

WHAT?!?! Only a few months from BEING TWO!!! :( No way. That is CRAZY!! I seriously adore that boy. (Of course, I adore all three of your boys!)I can't wait to spend more time with them soon!