Monday, February 7, 2011

{Our week of cancellations}

Well, this is what our week consisted of last week, when we were all stuck in the house b/c of the icy roads. School was cancelled for 4 days and work was cancelled for 3 days. I have a feeling that everything is going to be cancelled again on Wed. after our "snow storm" comes again.

I got in a picture with Tanner! yay! And you can see what Gavin is doing...playing his nintendo ds. Gavin outside playing with Daddy in the snow. Tanner was sick and couldn't go out. I didn't want to bundle Jaydon up b/c it was too COLD. AND the wind was briskly cold making it so much worse.
Here is gavin trying to pull shane around in the wagon.

Shane pulling Gavin around in the wagon....well, more like "running like a wild man".

Another picture of shane pulling Gavin around. haha

Jaydon watching daddy and big brother play in the snow...

Shane tackling Gavin...

Gavin all dressed and ready for the snow...

Our Texas-style snow storm.

Shane and the boys played with the nerf guns A LOT. Grandma Bates sent these to the boys for Christmas. They LOVE them. Shane decided to use BOTH guns and attack the boys with them. The only defense the boys had was the glasses they were wearing, which prevented shane from getting them in the eyes. Good thing they had the glasses on, as you can see in the picture below.

Shane having way too much fun attacking the boys...

Ready to be defeated. Going out with honor.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

How funny! Jocelyn would love to be with the boys playing nerf guns. That is the first thing she asked Graham to play when we picked her up from school today!

Seriously, Tanner has grown SO MUCH since September!!!! At least in these pictures, it looks like it! :)

Can't wait to see you guys. We need to chat and work something out!