I truly love tucking my boys into bed. Those are the best times. Jaydon is still at that stage where his imagination is VERY alive. Here are a few conversations i have had with him...
Jaydon: I want to sleep with kitty(my stuffed animal from long time ago).
Me: Here she is.(i hand it to him)
Jaydon: She loves me. (He gets a big smile on his face.)
One time i hand him a zebra looking bear. Not sure what it is.
Jaydon: No, i don't want to sleep with him.((he is looking sad)
Me: Why , whats wrong?
Jaydon: He mean to me.
Me: he is? what did he do?
Jaydon: He hit me in the face. (said this so sad)
Me: Do you want me to take him out of here and have a talk with him?
Jaydon: yeah, you talk to him. Go talk to him.
When he wakes up in the mornings he will often have conversations with his stuffed animals.
His blanky was in the washer during his nap time. He was very upset about it, so i pulled out a small blanket i crochet a long time ago.
Me: Here is my special blanky. Please take care of it.
Jaydon: (smiling and feeling better) this your special blanky?
Me: Yes, please take care of it.
I leave and a minute later he is crying, so i go in his room
Jaydon: (crying) I don't want to sleep with your special blanky!
He likes to tell people what to do. He is very needy. BUT it's not really an annoying needy. It's so cute. Here is an example of when he needs to pee.
He is hopping around. When he has to go real bad he jumps up and down really hard.It's hilarious.
Me: Jaydon, please go pee.
Jaydon: Come with me.
Me: You know how to go pee yourself. Please go.
Jaydon: I don't want to go by myself. (he grabs my hand to lead me in the bathroom)
He starts peeing and so i start to walk out.
Jaydon: Noooo, don't leave me!
So, i stay until he stops peeing and ...
Me: Okay, put on your underwear and pants. (i start to leave)
Jaydon: Don't leave me. (HE points at me) Stay right there! Don't leave. (he starts struggling with putting his pants on) Me need help!
I try a few times to let him go to bed on his own like the other boys. Some nights i don't want to do it, as much as i do enjoy it.
Jaydon:(realizing i want to stay downstairs) Mommy, come with me.
Me: You go upstairs and get in bed and i will be up in a minute.
Jaydon: No mommy, come with me.(so sweetly)
Me: Okay.
Then from here its the same....he grabs my hand and has to hold it the whole way up the stairs and into his room. i really do love it even as tired as i am and may not want to do it sometimes. He has a break down if its not ME tucking him in. "I want my mommy!!!!"
He will tell me often, "mommy you look pretty" and smile at me.
He is very attached to me, but i haven't been any different with him than i was with the other boys. I have tried lots of times to push him into some independence with things i know he can do, but he doesn't want to do it. BUT there are many other things HE INSISTS on doing on his own. SUCH AS...
1. climbing into his highchair to eat and climbing out.
2. opening and closing the door into and out of the car.
3. brushing his teeth. I can't skip one brush because he insists on brushing, which is good.
4. Getting his own spoon or fork. He calls them his "baby spoon" or "baby fork". He loves calling them that.
He seriously has so much purpose to all he does. He walks with purpose, talks with purpose and IS with purpose. He is a confident little boy and KNOWS what he wants and doesn't want. He gets so excited about things, such as
1.when he see's a cat he freaks out. "A KITTY!!!" He points and runs towards the cat. "I want to pet her!!!!" "She LOVES me!!!"
2. When he see's a jet or plane or helicopter. He points to every single one in the sky and says what it is with such excitement!
3. Bathtime/shower time. It's very exciting for him!
4. If i mention the beach. "We going to the BEACH?!?!"
There are many other things he gets so excited about, but sometimes it's just a random thing i wouldn't expect.
5 years ago
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