Tuesday, April 14, 2009

{Easter Weekend}

Friday the boys and I went over to our friend's house. We dyed some easter eggs together, chatted, and she had some chocolate covered strawberries for me(which i realize i didn't eat them all...what was i thinking?!) I absolutely love Chocolate covered strawberries. Anyway, that started off our easter weekend. Thanks Hatsuho! :)

Saturday morning we dyed some of our own Easter eggs. I put the vinegar in with the dye pills. The boys pulled chairs up to the counter to watch. Tanner put his face a little too close and he must have gotten some of the vinegar fizz up his nose. He quickly turned away from it and started gagging. Before i know it he is gagging so much from it that he ends up puking. Didn't realize he is so sensitive to things. He is our little gagger. It is a new discovery as of a few months ago, when he discovered he didn't like seeing his own poop.

Sunday morning they got up before we did. I got up and went to the bathroom and while doing that i hear Gavin say "It's our SURPRISE!!!" We missed it, i thought. I wanted to be out there to see his face. Oh well. Gavin got candy from the Easter bunny, a Transformers hat, and a new spring colored tie. Tanner got his candy and a new church outfit, since he doesn't have one. They both looked sooooo handsome wearing their ties to church. I loved it. I will have to take pics of them in their church outfits next Sunday since i didn't get any on Easter Sunday.

For dinner we had deviled eggs, ham, cheesy potatoes, and a fruit pizza. The boys loved it. It was a great easter. No shirts allowed while dying eggs!

Their beautiful creations.
I will be 31 weeks along in a few days. Facts about me and the baby right now...
1. Baby kicks and moves A TON. I don't ever recall getting irritated by the kicking and movement with the other two like i do with this one. :) He is very restless.
2. I am still feeling pretty good for the most part. Every once in awhile i start experiencing those moments where i feel like i am going to have a break down b/c i can't move. I am as slow as a turtle. I feel like a beached whale. That kind of restriction can be very frustrating, but i try to focus on other things, and good thing i have two boys to keep the focus off of me. :) They are a good distraction! :)
3. I really don't have much longer! It has gone by soooo fast, but still seems too far away. It is strange b/c i feel like it is too close, but not close enough.
4. I discovered over the weekend that i have a friable cervix(also known as a fragile cervix). It is okay though. It won't effect the rest of my pregnancy or the baby.
5. I am already tossing and turning a ton in the night. Wow, i toss and turn a lot. I just can't get comfortable.
6. The baby pushes down on my bones a lot. It is like he is burying his head in my pelvic region. Sort of like he is trying to push his way out. Believe me, he wants out....he acts like he is sick of being in there and is trying to push his way out.
7. He sticks his bum out a lot, either to the left or right of my belly button. It is hilarious b/c all of a sudden you can see this bulge, and it is his bum b/c an ultrasound confirmed that over the weekend.
8. We can't wait to meet this little boy. The boys are so excited. They ask me "When are we gonna have the baby?!!" Gavin asked me, "Is it gonna hurt you to have the baby mom?" I just said, "I hope not." Gavin is excited to help feed the baby his bottle and help change his diapers and hold him. I just wonder how long the excitement and newness of it will last. :)
9. We haven't decided on a name yet. I don't know if we ever will. It is being so difficult to find a boy name that isn't being used for a girl name these days... I think, "oh this is a good boy name, but then find out that it is being used for girl names. What is going on?! Girl names are so easy...These days parents are stealing boy names and turning them into girl names(which makes it hard to want to name your son a name that is for a girl too), You can be very creative with girl names without making them sound weird, plus there is so much variety....But then there are boy names....it is so hard to find one that isn't weird, that isn't used often, that is a strong name used strictly for boys. This is just like the clothes section for little kids....a huge section for the girls clothes and then....WHAT?...where is the boy section?.... oh, this is it? I totally would have missed it if you didn't point it out to me. :) Well, i guess i can't say all stores are this way, but i noticed myself saying this often. Or i go into the Dr.'s office and when we leave there are all kinds of stickers for the kids to choose from....they have girl one's, but what about the boy stickers? Where are the boy stickers?! They know they get to choose a sticker, but who wants to give their son a Barbie sticker?! What about the BOYS people?! Boys are human too!!! hahaha. i am just kidding around. Anyway, i just want a strong boy name that isn't being used by everyone these days. Any ideas?!


Thompson's said...

Tanner must get the gag reflex, and sickness looking at poop from Shane. How long did it take you Shane before you would change Gavin's poopy diaper without dry heaving?:) I do miss those phone calls to come over and help you out :).


Cam and Chelle said...

A girl I visit teach has two boys, Gavin and Tanner... isn't that interesting?! I like the names Kai, Jack, and Eric. Good luck with the last few weeks! Your boys are both so cute!

Blake Jones said...

My sister's boys names are Grant, Carson, Travis and Bennett. I think those are good strong boy names. Her husband has the same opinion of boy names as you.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with the fact that boy names are harder and the selection of clothes are not as big and quite frankly not as cute either. :) As far as giving you any suggestions on boy names, my husband and I only liked a few too... McKay (which is what we are going with), Weston, Jackson, Collin & Connor. Good luck picking out a name and let us know when you do.