Tuesday, April 20, 2010

{tHe ThReE StoOgEs}

First let me say this about Gavin...
He came home from preschool today and said to me, "Hey, mom...Avery said that if Talmage won't marry her then she will marry me!" And he was excited. :) haha! I guess i have to teach him a few things. ;)

Next is Jaydon... He LOVES looking out the front window. He stares out the window and bounces up and down, up and down, up and down. He is now crawling the stairs. Good thing we are moving soon. The house we will most likely move into is a one story home, so we won't have to worry about gates! :)

Look at those precious blue curious eyes!

He discovered he likes biting the carpet....? He liked it and thought it was funny. Interesting.
Jaydon has not only mastered climbing the stairs, but he has mastered drinking from a sippy cup, eating real food(he doesn't eat baby food anymore), he can say "mom" and says "bah" when he wants his bottle/milk, and says "da da". It is sweet. And he has mastered BEING REALLY LOUD. He is best at being loud. When he gets in a zone he makes the loudest yelling noises i have ever heard from a child! He is so flipping loud! Not kidding. He has got lots of spunk, lots of personality, an attitude problem, he is very expressive, and boy does he love when you play with him. He gets so excited and loves loves loves to play. I thought my other boys were pretty expressive , but i think he has topped them. He is BUUUSSSYYYYY too. Very busy. Busiest out of all the boys. He just won't stop. Boy is he full of a lot of love too. And when he wants something he lets you know by his LOUD yell. He is sooo loud. And sooooo loveable. I can't imagine what he is going to be like when he starts walking and when he is two!!!
Gavin and Tanner love him to death and Jaydon loves his big brothers a TON! Gavin and Tanner will play hide n seek with Jaydon. They will go hide in the closet and Jaydon see's them go in so he will crawl over and try opening the door(since it isn't closed tight) and then the boys laugh and run to another closet and Jaydon will follow them and open the door and so on. Jaydon LOVES playing with them. I love watching them!
In this picture Tanner is very distressed b/c he can't seem to get his sock on his foot....

I see this face a lot. :) Tanner is such a sweet boy. It is so sweet b/c when the boys say their prayers they always help each other out if the other doesn't know what to say. When gavin says the prayer tanner will help him to remember things to pray for. Like the other night...Gavin was saying the prayers and then he paused, trying to think of something else to say. Tanner leaned over, and whispered to gavin gently, "Bless the scriptures." I love the things they say in prayers. Gavin bore his testimony to us last night. Daddy gave a family home evening lesson on testimonies and at the end of it he asked Gavin if he would bear his testimony to us. He did and i thought it was the sweetest thing ever. I loved it. After our family home evening lesson we watched Alvin and the chipmunks movie, and ate cookies. The boys loved it.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

I LOVE that toothless grin!! What a cutie.
Gavin is hilarious. I can just see a hopeful little look on his face while he's telling you that!
(I'm impressed that you went to Senior Dinner by yourself, Ash!! It sounds like it was so much fun and definitely something you don't want to miss!)