Wednesday, November 3, 2010

{Oh Christmas Tree}

So, i was at Michael's yesterday buying all kinds of crafty stuff so i can make my own Christmas Decorations. I really want our first Christmas at home to be special and i want it to feel like Christmas and be like a Winter Wonderland for the kids. What better way than to have Christmas decorations up all over the house. So, Christmas decorations can be least the stuff i would want to buy...and then there are other christmas decorations you can buy, but just are not my style. Soooo, i am making my own. What i like. :) While i was at Michael's i noticed that they were playing Christmas music already. Every other song was a Christmas song. I realized much as i LOVE Christmas i cannot start playing it too early b/c by the time Christmas actually does get here i will be getting tired of the Christmas music. So, i am going to hold off as long as i can. :) Here is the first thing i have made....

The next things i am making are ornaments for our Christmas tree since we have NONE....The past years we just put up our Christmas tree with some lights and that is it. It is pretty pathetic. So, i thought it's about time we get some ornaments on that tree. Homemade Ornaments. :) I will show you those as i start to finish them.


Lauri said...

Way to go, Ash. So impressed! Tell me how you made it or where you found it. Super cute!

Ashlee and Shane said...

I bought a large styrofoam cone at michael's and cut up strips of scrapbook paper, folded them over and pinned it to the styrofoam. I layered each piece over the other in order to hide the pin. I used 5-6 different pieces of christmas paper for it. It was a tedious job. But i am excited it's done! :)

Lauren said...

really cute! You are turning into quite the crafter :)