This is the first time i have ever made a latisse cherry pie. The crust was AWESOME and it turned out delicious! We had it all eaten up by the time thanksgiving night was over.

Here is my mom picking at the stuffing! By the way, this is the BEST stuffing. I love it! All these recipes are one's we have been making since day one of my life! It's tradition and they are all so tasty!

The boys hanging out with papa in our new papasan chair. My dad bought this for us while they were here. The cushion is made of velvet/suede...something like that. And man oh man is it COMFY!

Here i am trying to get a picture of Jaydon, but he doesn't like pausing for pictures, as you can see from this one. :)

Jaydon loves basketball...he calls it "ballball". This is the position he gets in right before shooting it!

Gavin playing hoops with papa.

My parents brought both of their dogs...Olivia and Madison. They got a run for their money this time around. The boys are getting rougher as they get older...well, at least tanner is. Gavin not so much. And Jaydon did pretty good, as good as a 18 month old can do. The dogs had fun though and we all loved having them here with us!
We went out on Friday night, the day after thanksgiving, too look at all the christmas lights in the neighborhoods. We came upon an area here in wichita falls with Extraordinarily AMAZING homes. I don't know what these people do for a living, but holy cow, they bring in the money. The homes were gorgeous, beautiful, and amazing. We saw a lot that looked like country french, some that were brand new and others that were a style you would see in south carolina. And some of them lit up their houses so beautifully, it was a wonder to see. A few times we felt like we were in disney world. We drove around looking at all these lights and we had christmas music playing. It was such a fun memory to create. We used to do that when i was younger when we were at my grandma and grandpa seifert's house for christmas or when they came to ours...BUT we drove around looking at all the christmas lights in my grandpa's motorhome with christmas music playing! We all just laughed, talked, sang, and enjoyed each other while we looked at all the lights. Man it was fun and such a good memory. When my grandpas wasn't there we still did it together as a family. So, i am glad to start that tradition with my boys. We put up our christmas tree and lights on thanksgiving night. It was fun. My family stayed for a whole week and we were sad to see them go. Jaydon woke up the next morning saying "where did they go" and poor little tanner cried, "but i like zsa zsa and papa". It was sad.
Thanks for everything mom and dad! We had fun and we love you! You too holly! :) And we hope you come here again in march!!! :) The boys are counting on it!
We love all of you too. Dad
Glad you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I LOVE the holidays! Good food and family! :)
I can't believe you were outside side barefoot though...if I would have done that at my Mom's house, I would have lost some toes! It was SO COLD!
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