You would think that being sick would make you tired and want to sleep.
My sickness has the opposite effect, unfortunately.
Gavin has been sick with a fever and bad cough and complaining of his belly hurting for two days.
Not only that but he has been lethargic, very lethargic today. It scared me so much that i kicked the poor KIRBY guy (who was sweating bullets trying to show me his vacuum and it's amazing abilities) out of my house, woke Jaydon up from his nap and packed all three boys in the car and sped to the Urgent Care.
Gavin couldn't walk on his own. He said it hurt his belly too bad.
So, i carried this big boy that is half my size into the Urgent care, and had tanner
push little Jaydon in his stroller. Everyone stared like "what the?" haha.
You think i would have learned my lesson the FIRST time about NOT going to the WF Urgent Care Center. I don't know where the city, OR whoever chooses the doctor's, picked these doctors up from,
but it's nowhere from the "land of KNOWLEDGE" where doctors are SUPPOSED to know. :) Symptoms:
Fever, cough, lethargy(big time), achey belly, RACING heartrate(it was so fast it scared me). It reminded me exactly of Tanner's symptoms when he had pneumonia. Doctors diagnosis: Sinusitis. HUH? Does he think i am STUPID?! Who the heck are these DOCTORS?! And what in my right mind made me want to go back to them after misdiagnosing ME?! Holy cow. He didn't have any cold or congestion or anything to make me think
it would be a sinus problem. He never once complained of a headache, or anything like it. Just a fever and belly ache. The doc looked in his nose and said, "oh, yeah, it looks red.
I don't feel anything wrong with his tummy." He starts putting lots of pressure under Gavin's eyes and said "Does this hurt?" Well, That would hurt me TOO if he was pushing on
my face that freakin hard. Gavin yanked his head away
looking annoyed and said "yes." The doc said "it's sinusitis". I said "why the lethargy?" He ignored my question and was like a politician jumping around actually
having to ANSWER my question. He started walking out the door and i interrupted him "what
about why he is so lethargic?" I was angry. He still didn't have a good answer.
I said "How do i know it's not pneumonia?" He said, "well, i would have to listen for it." Yeaaaah. That would have been a good thing to do BEFORE you diagnosed him
so quickly with SINUSITIS. He listened. He listened so QUICKLY that he wouldn't have
caught any sound in there if he were trying to. Anyway, he gave us
a prescription and told us to get some zyrtec too. I didn't get the prescription. That isn't what it is.
I am NOT a doc and i know that. He hasn't had any symptoms of sinusitis.
We got home and he vomitted. We got some pedialyte down him and he seems to be a BIT
better , but still looks very sick. We got home and my throat started hurting. And
a fever came on very quickly. I started feeling
like CRUD. We went to bed at 8:00 and i got the chills and fever and aches so bad that
i couldn't sleep nor could i get WARM. My eyes were burning terribly and wouldn't stop watering. I had three blankets on me and warm pajamas on.
I had my whole body, including my head under the blankets and was balled up like a baby in the womb and still
couldn't get warm. It took myself about twenty minutes to find
the courage to jump out of bed in the cold air to go take some medicine. I threw on
Shane's robe, put on slippers, made some soup, took some meds and through a heavy blanket
around me and sat on the couch and watched tv while i ate my soup. Suddenly, half way through eating my
soup i start sweating. I still feel achey, but it's not near as
bad as it was. The medicine has kicked in. And hopefully the fever doesn't come back. :) I was so worried about GAVIN while laying there in bed. I kept debating after we got home from the Urgent Care to take him to the REAL hospital to the ER, where there might be some doctor's who know what
they are doing. He perked up a little after we got home, so we waited it out. Now i just keep checking on him. At least i know it's probably just a severe
FLU. Now it's just a waiting game to see who gets it next. Man, i wish i knew how good i had it in cleveland when it came to healthcare. It makes me appreciate a place with good doctors,
and appreciate just GOOD doctors in general. Doctors are a blessing. The one's that actually
want to help you. :)
Now, i think i am gonna go lay down and try to sleep while i still can. :)