Saturday, November 15, 2008

DIDDO on the Happy 5th

Well this post won't be nearly as good as Ashlee's was but this will be my attempt at posting something. Ash, I would just make a card with all your scrapbooking stuff, but the last time I did that, SOME people decided to question my manliness because scrapbooking is for "girls". (you know who you are people.....uh hum......Andy) So I will try posting instead.

Well let's get right to reason to waste any time....they say the eyes are the window to the soul...what are these eyes telling you?

Well sorry folks that's about the only partially embarrassing one I could find. Not much I know. This girl knows how to bury all her secrets. So Ash I will just take a few minutes to say how much I love you and post a few pictures that remind me of the great times we have had.

Remember these pictures...I was at COT and missing her like crazy so I had her send some pictures of her that I could look at during the down time. I hated being away from her but these two photos helped make me feel like she wasn't that far away.

Ashlee really likes to run...and so she wanted me to be her photographer. I should have paid the entrance fee for the race...I ended up running almost as much as she did that day. Such a cutie! It was one of those "hate to see you go but I love you watch you leave" kind of things. So I would just run after her so I could watch her longer.

Well the scooter didn't last long but it was fun while we had it.

Cleveland isn't the most beautiful or safest places in the world to live...but it has been a place where I accomplished a lot of my firsts. First time to a Major League Baseball game, and NFL game. Both were awesome, but the Browns game was by FAR the more exciting game to watch.

These next two pictures were from our engagement photo album. It seems like we have been married forever, but at the same time it seems like we were getting those pictures taken such a short time ago. Time has gone by soooo fast....

Going to Cedar Pointe was the first thing we did when I got back to COT. Fortunately, Holly watched the kids for us and allowed us to reconnect for a few hours after such a LONG time being away from each other. You've got to understand...I love love love being around Ashlee. She is my better half, and I just feel at peace when she is with me. I came into this marriage with a l0t to learn and a lot of expectations that she quickly broke me of. First off, I grew up getting 3 cooked meals a day usually, and Ashlee grew up almost the opposite...they got dinner cooked but they were on their own for breakfast and lunch. So you can imagine what happened when those two worlds collided. She won...I eat a heaping bowl of cold cereal with blueberries in the morning and a PB and J sandwich for lunch. Unless there are leftovers to eat from the night before. There still is a lot to learn but we make adjustments everyday to improve our relationship. I have truly enjoyed every second of our lives together Ash (except a couple, but usually those were my fault ... except for the 2 days of heck that you caused me ... now that was all you). Thanks for everything and I look forward to another 5 years and eternities more. Love you!!
Every artist has their masterpiece...well this is as close as it gets for me...I love this picture. I took this with some coaching from Ashlee as she was telling me what settings to change here and what buttons to push there. She is absolutely GORGEOUS...always has been...and always will!!!


Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Oh mama that is a big belly! And those eyes! :) Luckily you are still such a cute little person.

Happy anniversary--the blog post by Shane was incredibly sweet. I hope you guys have a great day!

The JL McGregor Family said...

I'm just still laughing about the first picture. I guess Shane got you back, Ashley! However, he made up for it with all the nice things and the rest of the pictures you are gorgeous, as usual.

The JL McGregor Family said...

And I'll have to find out about the scooter.

Thompson's said...

Shane, nice job on the blog! Congrats on the 5 year anniversary! We are coming up on the big 3 year anniversary in a few days! By the way how come you are not answering your phone or returning my calls. I guess I will have to blog or facebook it to contact you.