Friday, November 14, 2008

HaPpY 5 YeArS HuNnY...

Here are silly pictures that never made it to the blog. Normally i wouldn't put these up, but it shows a little of our personalities together. Just a little. :) When we first got our camera we took pics together and took a few of one another. Here are a couple. Shane took this of me and i can't just look normal at the camera. I always have to act like i am contemplating, have to make a funny face, or put on a diva look.

Isn't he just so cute and good looking! :) This is a picture i took of him. :)

We decided to try out the timer on our new camera so here we are! :)

Here we are again trying out the timer. :) haha.

And again. Wow, i look so bad in these pictures.

Aaaahhh, Riviera Maya together. What a good time for us to reconnect. :)

He is going to kill me for posting this picture, but I LOVE it. It shows his funny side. Always making funny faces and being dramatic. :) haha. This is when we were at Bear Lake. Taking more pics of ourselves. :)

We don't really have very many pictures of just the two of us. But i wanted to put these up even though i look like crud and shane will probably kill me for putting these up! :) I love you hunny! :)
Shane and I have been married 5 years tomorrow. Honestly, i feel like we have been married for double that. 5 years is a long time, but doesn't seem so long considering everything we've done and seen together. Shane and I were led to each other by our Heavenly Father. I know that without a doubt. We have been through hard times, trying times, sad times , difficult times, joyous times, content times, the best of times, etc. We have been through it all. I say that now and 5 years down the road i will say it again, i am sure. :) Through each of these times we have grown closer and closer. I am so blessed to have him as mine. So blessed. He has been a great source of strength for me in my life. You know, i realize i could write a novel about him and who he is. :) Simply put, he is the best. He is my favorite person in the whole world. He is my best friend. I love you hun! Happy Anniversary! :) Just a little about us...
Places we have been to together:
1. Mount Rushmore
2. Crazy Horse
3. San Diego Zoo and Sea World in California
4. Cruise through the Caribbean.
5. Resort in Riviera Maya
6. Disney World, Florida
7. Niagara Falls
8. Palmyra, New York
9. Traveled a few times from Idaho to Minnesota and from Minnesota to Ohio and back.
Things i can't forget about us...
1. Managing an 80 unit apt. complex. ugh.
2. Traveling from Idaho to Minnesota for our first Thanksgiving at my parents house and running into a blizzard. It was frightening.
3. When we found out we were pregnant with Gavin...surprise.
4. The day we got married.
5. Our first night married...i got food poisoning. yup.
6. The delivery of our first son.
7. Applying for Dental school.
8. Looking for our first home in Ohio. My mom was with us and it was such a fun trip.
9. When you cut open your foot and HOW you did it.
10. How we would fight over(playfully) who had to answer the door or the phone when we were managing. You would open the door up while i am just sitting there in the chair. You would hide behind the door when opening it and so the people couldn't see you. And it probably looked really WEIRD having a door open on its own. You punk. :) OR someone would ask you a question that you KNEW, BUT you would say to me, "I don't wife does this more than me, lets ask her." That is how he got out of helping people and sneakily passing it onto me. eewwww. Double punk. :)
11. Shane's overflowing bowl of cereal every morning. He fills it the the very top, then piles on blueberries so it is actually higher than the bowl. THen when he tries eating the blueberries fall out.
12. Camping in South Dakota with my family. The winds picked up one night so bad that our tent literally flattened out with each gust of wind.
13. The way you act when you get excited or stressed out. :)
14. Our first Thanksgiving in our own home with our friends, Erik and Camille.
15. Our first kiss.
16. Our first date. My skirt completely ripped from top to bottom on the left side. Embarrassing.
17. Our second date. I fell flat on my face in the field.
18. Talking about marriage a few weeks after we met. :)
19. Your randomness.
20. Moving from Idaho to Ohio. Your wonderful idea(being sarcastic) to sell EVERYTHING...literally EVERYTHING that we owned. AND how packed we were in our little Maxima traveling from Idaho to Minnesota, and then living with my parents for 6 weeks and then traveling again from Minnesota to Ohio.
21.There are so many things, but these are just a few things i thought of right now.


Amanda said...

Happy Anni!!!! How fun! I love anniversaries! They are such a reminder of how our lives are always changing! Isn't it amazing how much we change?

I hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Lauri said...

Happy Anniversary you two love birds!!! I'm so glad you guys found eachother! Shane is such a great guy and of course, Ash, you are amazing! :) You guys have done a lot and been through a lot together! Love you guys tons! I think it's great that your anniversary is also Jocelyn's bday! :) Extra special day!!! :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Congratulations! 5 years is amazing and it sounds like you and Shane have a great relationship. What a bunch of crazy first, though! Ripped skirt, falling flat on your face, food poisoning. Silly girl! I really enjoyed reading some of your memories!

Sherrie said...

Happy anniversary tommorrow! I had such a fun time reading this post! You two make an awesome couple!

Mandi Kay said...

Happy Happy Anniversary. I hope you feel bad......because I'm sitting here bawling my head off. just kidding. I'm really bawling my head off but I don't want you to feel bad. :) You guys both are the most amazing people. I feel so honored to have you both as my family. You guys have something really special. I admire you both. Love Love Love Love Love Love You!