Sunday, December 7, 2008

Calling all Candy Lovers...

I have been on the look out for those cinnamon bear candies for years. I haven't ran into any. Does anyone know where i can find Cinnamon Bears?! I have been wanting some for years! You know, they are those gummy, chewy, stick to your teeth, red bears that taste like cinnamon. So?? Do they exist anymore!?


Becky said...

We have looked for those everywhere too. They don't sell them here anywhere!!! They still sell them back in Idaho though! So when you go home- be sure to stock up!!!

Lauri said...

Hmmm...I know I've seen them. I'll keep my eyes open!!! :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Totally know and love what you're talking about but don't know where to get them. Maybe one of those candy stores that has a million different candy bins??

Melissa said...

They sell those everywhere those are my favorite candies too..Your local walmart should have them. Even the local grocery store.

Amanda said...

My sister is obsessed with them. They have them at albertsons, walmart and any other place that sells candy. Keep your eyes peeled! they even have chocolate covered ones!

Nancy said...

Okay, so I LOVE those too! But since moving to Cleveland and looking everywhere for them, I have given up the search. IF you find them, let me know, so I can get some too!

D.Suth. said...

I am so glad you liked it. I think I'll make it just plain next time- just noodles and sauce!

That is so funny you were asking abt those bears, I've been on a search for them as well for the past little bit. I requested them in my Halloween candy bin from Eric back in Oct.
Are you a snob with them too though? Some taste really bad and some are so good!?

Anyway, thanks for the ps tip! You should do an enrichment on it or something!