's complicated. I am opening up here about my feelings, and this is something i don't like doing. But i gotta do it. Face my fears, right?! Well, i am going to try to type this in a good detailed way so that you can understand. My question to you is... What makes you find a good connection with others? What does someone have that makes you want to be buddy buddy with them? I feel like i do something wrong. Do i give off the wrong impression about myself? Are people misunderstanding me? Do i give off the wrong appearance? I feel like people might see me in a way that i am not. Maybe it's not even that. Maybe i think i am doing something wrong, but that isn't the case at all...? ugh. I don't know. I like having friends. I like connecting with people, BUT i feel like most girls don't see me as someone that they could be good friends with. OR maybe i have it all wrong. Maybe it's the other way around. Maybe i don't see most girls as someone i could be good friends with. ? To be honest with you, i do have a hard time finding a good good friend. Don't get me wrong, i have a BEST friend who is like a sister to me. We have been friends since 6th grade. She REALLY feels like my sister. The problem is that we don't live close. It would be great to find a friend who lived close that i could drop by and just hang out, and she felt like she could do the same. Someone who understands me and i understand her. My best friend lauri understands me. I am not one who LIKES to talk on the phone, so sometimes i struggle to pick up the phone or struggle to call her back. She doesn't get offended by it b/c she knows how i am. She knows i still love her even though it might take me a week too long to call her back. :) She knows me. Maybe the problem is that i take a while to open up to people. It takes awhile for me to show them my WHOLE sekf, and to really feel like i can TRUST that person to let them into my life to know me well. I think i am so cautious b/c i've experienced letting people in and getting burned...a lot. OR i am afraid to show my complete WHOLE self for fear that when people learn all sides of me they won't like me. Let me tell you who i am with the people who know me BEST. Sarcastic, LOUD(yup), fun, caring, understanding, sometimes crude and gross(believe it or not), sometimes not quite a lady like most women are "supposed" to be, WEIRD, and dorky. If you are family or have known me well enough to get to see me like that then you know what i mean. My husband has seen it best. He can attest to how i am. :) BUT i am not sure i want him to spill the beans on that one. :) I know that everyone is like that in a way....that everyone doesn't completely open up to everyone who they TRULY are upon first meeting them. BUT i do know a lot of girls who just throw at you exactly who they are right from the beginning. I wish i could do that. I wish i could show my fun, loud, sarcastic, dorky, weird side, but i feel like i can't. Isn't that horrible?! On the other side, i am not saying i am FAKE with people who don't know me well. What most people see is me, my softer side. That is real too. Trust me. Everything you see IS real. I just wish i could open up and show my whole self without being afraid to show it. When i say crude....i don't necessarily mean that i am just gross with my talk. I am not. It's talking about those things that people might find "gross", but isn't gross to me. It's normal to me. I grew up in an OPEN family...we can talk about alot of things....therefore it's normal to me. BUT i still have sensitive ears when it comes to certain things, don't get me wrong.
As far as finding a "connection" with someone.... i have had a few, but not many. There is a lady in our ward here...the bishop's wife. :) She is someone i feel like i could talk to for hours upon hours. I LOVE talking with her. I connected with her. BUT how do i hang out with a lady who is the bishop's wife, has nine kids who are already out of the house....?? haha. I have a great connection with my best friend, of course! And i found a great connection with a couple girls in Cleveland. They were someone who i felt like i could talk to about LOTS of things too. We had a great connection. All these women are someone i found a great connection with. They are genuine, real, and someone i feel like isn't judging me and won't judge me. Someone who will be honest with me. Someone i know i can trust. Someone who will be my friend to my face and behind my back when i am not around. And i would do the same for them. I naturally gravitate to those kind of people. Anyway, maybe i am just not like other girls who can become best friends with everyone all in one day. And maybe that is okay. I guess i am out for more quality, than quantity. You knowwhat ? this is helping me figure things out about myself by typing all this out. I realize, i am out for more quality stuff. I like to find a deep connection. I like to have deep conversations. Not all the time. But once in awhile. That is how i find my connections. Anyway, it takes me awhile sometimes to open up with people, and maybe people can see that and they don't like that, so they don't really see me as someone they could become good friends with b/c i do have that little wall up that might take awhile to come down. I guess friendships are a lot like a relationship b/w husband and wife. Some people want the connection quick. I usually don't find the QUICK connection.
The reason i brought all this up is b/c when i know i am the ONLY one being left out of my group of friends it makes me sad. It hurts my feelings. I understand if you find a connection with just one person in your group of friends and split from the group. BUT when you are the ONLY one left out...yeah. It hurts. And i wonder what the heck i am doing wrong. I feel like i have felt that a lot. And i must be getting to a point where i am sick of it and feel like opening up about it to see how everyone else feels with all this friendship stuff. Every girl needs and wants to find a connection with other women.
It's interesting b/c i have felt many times when i first met someone that we could become good friends. And i remember saying to shane that i could see "her and i becoming good friends". BUT then nothing comes of it. We hang out a few times, but then that's it. But there have been some who i didn't think i could be good friends with who i ended up being good friends with. Funny how that works, huh?
Maybe i shouldn't let it bother me. BUT we all need friends. And until i figure out the friendship thing it will always be something i am working at until i figure it out. :)
So, i am curious. What kind of first impression i give off. It's funny b/c when you are doing something WRONG in a relationship you can talk about it. You can go to the person and confront them and say "what am i doing wrong" and they will tell you. You can't do that with friends as well, especially when you don't know them that well. So, i am asking you....and tell me HONESTLY....what was your FIRST impression of me? Also, how did you VIEW me AFTER we started hanging out more and became friends? I am starting to wonder if anyone reads my blog anymore, so i am not sure i will get many responses, but i really want to know. Basically, i want to know what i am doing wrong. How do you become good friends with someone?
5 years ago