Sunday, October 24, 2010


Oh man is right!
First, CUPCAKES went seriously wrong. Cupcakes? Yup. I know, i know, cupcakes are so easy to make. Mix together the cake batter and throw it in those little darn muffin tins. WELL, i decided to try a new recipe. And in case you didn't know, there are some difficult ways to make cupcakes, BUT if you can achieve it they are sooooo delightful. :) I learned a lesson today...DO NOT ATTEMPT A NEW RECIPE FOR THE FIRST TIME ON THE SAME DAY YOU ARE GIVING IT TO A BUNCH OF GIRLS ! Yeah. Last night shane said to me "why don't you just buy cupcakes that are already made?" I insisted, "Honey, i have to make these cute b/c they are for the young women. PLUS, i don't have any girls to do stuff like this know, making cute girly pink this is my opportunity." He told me to make them last night, but i insisted on waiting until this morning. I got up early. Started making my cute girly cupcakes! I couldn't wait til they were done and all cute! As i am getting deeper into the recipe i started to worry. Seriously worry. Get this....the FROSTING called for me to put 5 egg whites plus a cup and a half of sugar in a bowl OVER simmering water in a pan and frequently wisk until it reaches 160 degrees and the sugar has dissolved. I have a thermometer, but it's a meat thermometer. I used it anyway. When it was near 160 and looked like the sugar was dissolved i then poored it into a different bowl and whipped it for ten minutes, which by then was supposed to be fluffy and be able to form a peak. Nope. No peaks. It looked the same as when i STARTED mixing it. Well, then i look down and it calls for me to put 4 sticks of BUTTER in!!!! WHAT?! Who is this?! Are you nuts?! Wait, i totally must have read it wrong. I keep staring at it..shocked that i am actually reading it right. Okay, well, i added 4 sticks of butter. Then added the vanilla and the food coloring to make it pink. The end result, to shane, tasted like a thick whipped cream. To me, i was disgusted. It tasted like butter. You might as well put a stick of butter on top of the cupcake b/c it's basically the same thing. I couldn't taste anything other than sweet butter. So, i want to frost them anyway b/c maybe if they are cute nobody will notice that the frosting tastes like butter. I put it in a ziploc bag, cut off the corner and start squeezing it on to make a pretty cute frosted cupcake. It didn't swirl onto the cupcake ANYTHING like i would have expected. It was UGLY! I stopped and said "Forget it! no cupcakes!" I called my mom and asked for a simple frosting. I made it and put it on some of the cupcakes, but i didn't like that either. It wasn't that good. I couldn't bring any cupcakes. Oh well. Seriously, i ate one of the cupcakes with the butter frosting b/c i thought "well, maybe if i add the frosting then it will taste really good when it's all together." Nope. It made me nauseous after i ate it. The cake part was REALLY good without the frosting. BUT WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND COMES UP WITH A FROSTING RECIPE WITH THAT MUCH BUTTER? sick. I really like this blog of recipes that i got this from, but someone messed up on that. UNLESS that is what those people like. That is worse than Paula Dean, and Paula Dean is extreme with the butter people! anyway. :) Really it's funny when i think about it now. And i am still grossed out and will be for a long time.
Today was the Primary program. I was so excited to watch the boys. They both head up to the front with their arms around each other the entire time. Watching them filled my heart. I couldn't stop smiling and just wanted to cry just from watching them. I am such a cheeseball mom! Oh i love it. I love them. They get up there and i am looking around and cannot see either one of them. Then i discover after some time that the sunbeams were sitting on the front row of the pews and Gavin was sitting right behind the pulpit, so the entire program the only time i saw them was when they gave their little quote. I was so sad. But aside from that they all did a wonderful job and they were all so reverent. On kind of the same note...our ward is growing like crazy. Lots of new converts and lots of investigators! We walked in today and it looked like Stake Conference. Half of the gym had seats and it was all filled. I seriously love my ward. I will be sooooo sad to leave this ward when we move. It is full of AWESOME faithful people. And a bishopric like i have never seen.
Oh, and i am wondering where my husband is...has anyone seen him? I cannot FIND him!!! :) jk. I know where he is, but i don't see him anymore. People, my whole head is gonna be grey by the time this residency is over. He wakes up every morning at 4 a.m.. And i am half way awake the whole time up until 6:45 a.m. b/c i don't do good sleeping alone. And he works until bedtime. He's been working Saturdays. Example...yesterday(saturday) he worked from 5 a.m.! until 8 p.m. He woke up this morning at 5 a.m. again and is still working. Oh, and he had to stay home with the baby today b/c the baby is sick. He will probably get done today around 5 p.m. This is his new life. I think i am being pretty supportive. He would say so. It is hard though! :) I make sure to have the house clean and ready for when he gets home in the evening. I do that b/c i KNOW how wonderful it feels for me, and also for him to walk into a house that is clean, with smiling faces, and wonderful food ready. I know it helps to take away some of the stress he is feeling. And i want to make my home a happy warm place and doing that will make it so. :) AND he needs it right now. He is working his toosh off. It also helps me A LOT to have a home that is clean, with my candles burning all day, with norah Jones playing in the house, and having the smell of the food cooking. Oh it's heavenly. Now i just need some plants in my house and some wind chimes in the backyard and it will feel so stress free. :) It helps keep my stress down when i can have all those things. Now you ask, what am i doing for myself to help relieve stress and make things lighter for myself? Well, what i just mentioned before that question is a big thing that helps. I am doing the things that i know will help me have patience and be a good mom and wife...reading my scriptures every morning, and saying my prayers often so that i can find the strength i need. That helps me a lot. Aside from that i have really gotten into COOKING AND BAKING. I have liked cooking for awhile, but i am trying lots of new recipes and Shane loves that. And i have been using my Bosch and making lots of breads. Which he loves even more! Crazy. I never would have guessed i would love cooking and baking if you asked me ten years ago where i would be in ten years. Never. haha!! ANYWAY, you can bet that when bedtime rolls around i am making sure those kids are getting into bed RIGHT AWAY. :) Boy am i ready. But every morning i have my strength back and am able to do it all over again.
I love my boys. They are so darn cute and so much fun. I don't have much patience sometimes. But i sure am learning lots of patience right now. So, another thing that helps is taking the time for them. When i get in those moods where they are driving me nuts, that is when i try to tell myself to relax and do something with them. When i make myself spend time with them when i don't feel like it that is when i am glad i did. B/c i always have fun with them and it makes me feel so much better. :)
And i am so going to start back into my exercise routine tomorrow morning. M ankle is soooo much better. But i am going to do p90x again. I can't do insanity(my new workout) b/c i can't run around and jump all over yet. But most of the workout in p90x are something i can take on. Oh, and my spinning. i am so ready to get back into all of that! With all this baking i am doing i better start back otherwise i will gain lots of weight.
It stinks not having my husband around. I hope when this year is over that he never gets deployed for 6 months. That would be a huge trial. I have a friend experiencing that right now and i hope and pray it doesn't happen. But whatever happens, happens...and we will deal with it and get through it. Boy am i going to cherish Christmas this year. He gets 2 weeks off! That will be sooooooo wonderful. And b/c of that i am already planning on how to make our first christmas at home a good one. I am making our christmas tree decorations, which are so cute. And i am making an advent calendar for the boys. I am going to make a few christmas decorations for the house. I am soooooo excited. And of course we are going to keep some traditions giving them all matching pajamas on Christmas Eve. Reading christmas stories on christmas eve by the tree with candles lit. Having our HUGE christmas breakfast that entails hashbrowns, eggs, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls, and pancakes. That makes me sick thinking about it right now b/c i am still sick from eating that cupcake. :) Then we celebrate Gavin's birthday Christmas Night. And this Christmas the boys will have their first good christmas from us. We are excited to have our own money to go buy them lots of toys. My family is coming here for Thanksgiving and we are going to put up all the decorations, the tree, and the outside lights on Thanksgiving night all together. I am excited for the Holidays! Can you tell?!?! And hopefully(crossing fingers) nobody will get sick this year for Christmas since we aren't traveling. And we won't have the expense of plane tickets, which i hear are expensive this year! We are definitely going to miss Shane's family for Christmas, but we are glad we were able to spend a month with them in Idaho and Utah over the summer. If anyone wants to come here for Christmas let us know! ;)
Anyway, i am blabbing on and on. I do this when i am not able to talk to my husband. I have too much to say. When Shane and i get in bed at night i am ready to start talking and he is ready to fall asleep, so i usually start talking for 5 minutes and then he falls asleep in the middle of my conversation to him. So, i guess i will be doing a lot of blabbing on here. Thanks for listening. :)

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