Tuesday, November 6, 2007

BeSt BuDs

I checked on the boys today and they(Gavin) took off Gavin's mattress and were using it as a slide. They thought it was so funny, Tanner especially. He was cracking up. It was so funny.

Talking on the phone.
Climbing the stairs.
Gavin is explaining to me how hungry he is.
Yesterday Tanner and Gavin got into the lotion and Tanner had it plastered all over his hair and he had it all around his mouth because he was trying to eat it.

Trying to get some books out of the bookshelf
Tanner is trying to feed Gavin a sock.

Tanner went poo poo in his pants and Gavin said, "ohh, pee ewww tanner, mommy change him!" It was so funny because that is the first time Gavin has ever commented on Tanner's dirty diapers.

They are having tons of fun lately playing upstairs together. Since the upstairs is their domain they are taking full advantage of it. The other day we found them playing in the toilet water. Tanner's head was soaking wet and Gavin was naked and all wet. It was funny, but a little scary because babies can fall in the toilet head first and drown. Anwyay, since tanner has been more expressive with Gavin they are having so much fun playing together.


Amanda said...

Ok, you have your hands full!!!! Those boys are so active! how fun! I love how Gavin uses Tanner to try things out on. The lotion, the toilet, how funny! How do you keep up with them!!!!?

The Jenks Fam said...

Love those boys! I still can't believe they are brothers--they look so different! So cute! Keep in touch.

Lauri said...

Those boys are just way too adorable! I miss them SO MUCH! :)

Amanda said...

Thank you Ashlee for helping me with the music stuff on my blog! I love it! Also, I stole your map thing too. You are so creative! Thanks for helping! I am so glad we both have blogs!