Sunday, November 18, 2007

Time goes by too fast...

I cannot believe how incredibly fast this semester went by for Shane and I! Shane finished his last final on Friday and is off until January 3. We are excited to have him home with us, but he still isn't completely with us because he has to study for his Board Test, which is supposedly an eight hour test! He will be taking Board's on December 15th, and when that is over and done with we will head to Minnesota for Christmas. We can't believe how fast time is going by. Before we know it we will be leaving here and starting new somewhere else. We will actually be MAKING money... which seems very weird to me. I am so proud of him and the hard work he has been putting into Dental School. I know it IS NOT easy, but he makes it look easy. :)


H.Cook said...

I love your new Christmas-sy layout! I can't wait to put up our Christmas decorations too... and I'm glad that you can spend more time with Shane now! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Amanda said...

What a sacrifice for you and your family. I'm sure it will all be worth it someday! How much longer until he is done with school? I bet you can't wait! Where do you guys want to settle down?

ericdalyce said...

hi, I found your blog from Hatsuho's. I hope you don't mind, I put a link to ours. Cute blog.

Lauri said...

Wohoo!! So exciting! I know it's been a long, hard road for Shane so it's really exciting to think you guys are half way done!! :)