Saturday, November 3, 2007

r u serious?

Okay, so, Shane went to Target today to get some things and came home with these pajamas for me. Surprise! Shane has always said that if these ever came in his size then he would get a pair. He didn't even know that they came in adult sizes, so when he saw them he was thrilled and wanted to live vicariously through me since he can't have any. Very cute. I am thrilled(can you sense the sarcasm?). The feet are twice my size, the upper body fits big, and the legs fit snug. Yes, they are comfortable, but no, i do not want to go around wearing these pajamas. I know my mom is going to get a kick out of this. She will either laugh histerically, or she will think i look so cute and tell me to keep them. I am sorry to all of you who think i should wear them around, they just aren't me. They are comfortable, but i don't like looking like i am a 4 year old. :) Gavin really liked seeing me in these pajamas. He was excited and wanted to get his pajamas on too. Maybe, for him, we can have a pajama night together every once in awhile. :)


Lauri said...

Ashlee....that is the funniest thing!!! Made my day! :) Jocelyn says, "Look at Aunt Ashlee..she's so silly!" :) I can't believe how big the feet are! Talk about un-proportional! :)

Amanda said...

Ok, that is funny! haha! I love the jammies! I wouldn't like my feet trapped in! does it have a zipper all the way up the leg too!? WOW!

The Jenks Fam said...

I love them! I think you should find some Shane's size and have him wear them too. Then, have photos of all of you in your footy pj's and send them out for Christmas! I've seen BIG ones at Walmart! :)ace

The Atwood's said...

Do NOT show those to Jake. He would seriously get me some and actually expect me to wear them. It's our long standing joke that someday he wants some - he would totally wear them too! You actually look kind of cute and comfy in them! ha ha.