Thursday, August 26, 2010

{The ThReE StooGeS}

This boy is C...R...AAAAAA...ZY. He is nothing like his other two brothers. He is extremely picky about what he wears(and with a lot of other things too!). EXTREMELY. It's a fight everytime we have to leave b/c i go in and grab something cute for him to wear and tell him to put it on, but he cries b/c he doesn't want to wear it. I tell him to hurry up and pick something then. I usually give him enough warning so he will have time to get dressed, but he loses focus so quickly and by the time we are leaving he still isn't dressed. It takes him F000RRR......EVVVVV....ERRRR to pick something out and most of the time he CANNOT find what he WANTS to wear b/c its usually in the dirty laundry. He wears something ONCE and it's dirty. It's impossible for anything of his to be worn a second time without getting washed first. He noticed there was a little rip near the seam of his underwear. I said, "oh, its alright you won't even realize it." He started fussing, "Noooo, i don't want to wear them anymore!" He is very particular about his shoes too. Like, one day he wants to wear flip flops, but the next day he feels like wearing shoes. And he always wants to wear shoes when we are in a hurry and its darn hot out. I say "Tanner, its so hot out, just wear flip flops." He starts crying, "But i don't want to. I want to wear my shoes!" One time we put him in one of his basketball outfits. The jersey shirt and shorts to go with it. He didn't like that we put him in that. He cried out the door, cried in the car the whole way to the store....he kept saying "I don't want people to see me!!" When we went into the store he would try to hide behind me so that people wouldn't see him. I have NO CLUE where he got this from! I mean, i feel bad for him that he feels so insecure about going out in public in something he doesn't want to wear. It's sad, but there are times where he just can't pick out what he wants to wear...i have to pick it out in order to get out the door. Sometimes his sock isn't "on right". I put his shoe on and he starts fussing b/c something is bothering him. We take the shoe off, he adjusts his sock about 2 millimeters and then he is fine. It is so funny to me. He is pretty particular about a lot of things, not just clothes. But i just wanted to write how he is about clothes b/c that part of him is something we deal with every single day.

Here is Gavin. He wants to show everyone his new backpack and lunch pack. He saw pictures of his friend Avery with her new backpack and it made him all excited and he said, "Mom, you have to take pictures of me with my new backpack!" He figured out how he wanted to pose....after i took the picture he said, "let me see!" I would show him what it looks like and if he didn't like it he would say, "Let's take a different one...this time my backpack needs to show more." And then he would pose himself. It was so funny.

Here is Jaydon chilling on the counter. He likes to climb up on the counter and just hang out and then he jumps off when he is done. He is so funny. I am totally kidding. haha. No, actually, shane had to set him up there and is just to the left of him. He liked being up there. This kid is quite a funny character! Just so squeezable. I can't get enough of him. And it's impossible to go out in public and nobody come up to him and tell him how cute he is. He is like a magnet. He loves walking around in just a diaper only. I don't know if i put this in my blog yet, but i have gone in to get him out of his bed a few times and he is just laying there NAKED, chillin. It's quite funny.

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