After church i went to get Gavin out of Moonbeams and he usually gets all upset at me because he doesn't want to leave. Well, last Sunday was a nice surprise. I went in the room and as soon as he saw me he ran to me and said "hi mommy!" It was so sweet. Then as i buckled him in his seat he said, "i had fun mom." Life is good when my kids are happy. :)
It's bathtime. Tanner has a whale hanging out of his mouth. He always hangs onto things with his mouth if his hands are unavailable.
Gavin and Tanner love bathtime. They have so much fun. They have their squirty animals that they love playing with. Gavin loves squirting Tanner in the face with water. I have to make him stop though because it can be too much! :) Tanner loves the water though, so he doesn't mind so much. They just get along so well with each other.
Gavin and i decorated some christmas ornaments yesterday. He is so proud of his ornaments.
The leaves have started falling in our yard. As you can see. Our trees are still in the process of changing color. Some are still green, i can't believe it.
Gavin seems to be growing up so much with the way he talks lately. It is so awesome to see the changes take place. I love tucking him in bed because that is when he is the sweetest. When i go to tuck him in bed he will talk to me while he caresses my face with his hand. It is so sweet. The other night we just had family prayer, but when i tucked him in he thought we should pray again. He said, " Let's pray mom," so seriously. I said, "ok, you say it." Everytime he prays he gets a big smile on his face. He said, "Heavenly Father, thank you for this day, thank for our family, thank you for church, thank you for Lauren(our friend), thank you for our friends, thank you for family, thank you for Tanner, thank you for Gavin, thank you for mommy, thank you for moddy, daddy, Jesus Christ, Amen." Moddy is what he accidentally calls daddy sometimes and it is so funny. It is like he wants to say mommy, but is thinking of daddy, so he gets the two words mixed in there together. Anyway, he corrected himself by saying daddy right after he said moddy.
One of the things i say a lot is "that is your problem." Well, he used it on me the other day. Something happened to the computer and he said, "that is your problem." Then after he went to the bathroom yesterday he had this weird look on his face and so i said, "what?" He just looked at me all calm and said, "i didn't say anything mom." So funny.
He is always trying to tell me, "Be careful mom, don't hurt yourself." He is so concerned for me. He absolutely loves helping me cook. That would be nice if he became a great cook one day. Is there anything wrong with buying a boy one of those play kitchens? I think he would love it, but Shane thinks he needs something more boyish. Gavin brought a wal-mart ad magazine to me yesterday and said, "i want boy stuff mom." He loves looking at the toy ads, it is so funny.
5 years ago
I love the picture of Tanner with the bath toy in his mouth! He always looks so serious! I love his cute little face. I also love bath time pictures. Kids are so funny in the bath! I bet when those two boys get together in the bath you have to wear a poncho to keep yourself some what dry!
And Gavin, what a little man! I love the crown he was wearing! What a little king! He sounds like he is so entertaining! I love reading your stories about what he says and does. I love kids and the way they think. It makes me smile! My Nephew Cole is 3 and he says the funniest things sometimes. I wonder where he gets it all!!!
Also, I love the ornaments. Too cute. You will treasure those for years to come. He was probably so proud of his creations!
I love your blog! Keep up the good work!
So cute. Makes me want to just hug my kids tighter. They grow up so fast! I'm afraid Kreyton is coming up on the terrible 3's. He has been such a great little kid, until now! Thanks for keeping us updated! :)ace
boys can have kitchens! my nephews got one last year that was cream green and grey. i'd encourage it!
and evie loves looking at the toy ads too. course then she wants to buy everything...
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