Thursday, November 15, 2007

Well...the Cat's out of the's finally time to Tell everyone about our SECRET identities




Lauren said...

Phew! Now that I have caught up on your life...your boys are so cute! Tanner looks so grown up in those Christmas pictures, I love the spikey hair. Great job on your lesson on Sunday! I ditched Andy in Nursery so that I could hear it. You better watch out, you might be getting a new calling! haha. Tell Gavin thanks for praying for me, I need all the help I can get! Well, don't be strangers!

Lauri said...

Wow! Those are pretty good!!! :) I need help with my blog! Mine is so boring! UH! Thanks for calling yesterday! Jocelyn was so excited that you guys sang happy birthday to her! She was telling everyone, "Aunt Ashlee and my Gavin called me and sang happy birthday! They are so funny!" :) She loves you guys!