Thursday, October 23, 2008

{Gavin William}

Gavin is turning 4 in a couple months. I can't believe it. Seriously. We are no longer in the terrible two's and are heading out of the horrible three's. I can't believe we are past those stages already. He never really was a horrible three year old though. Two was a lot harder. I just wanted to post a few things here that he has been doing lately!

1. I was saying goodnight to him and Tanner last night. I turned the light off he said "mommy, there are skeletons flying around my room!" Maybe it is b/c of Halloween that he thinks that. He said, "I see them flying around my room at night."
2. For some reason he has been calling me "Momma" instead of "Mommy".....Maybe it is horrible of me, but when he calls me "momma" it drives me nuts. Why you ask? I have no idea. I just prefer mommy. Don't worry, i say it as nice as i can to him that i prefer mommy. I don't know where he picked up "Momma".
3. If we EVER forget to say prayer at dinner he ALWAYS reminds us. If we take ONE bite he quickly says, "WAIT, WE HAVE TO SAY PRAYER!" I am so glad he helps us out! What a good little reminder he is!
4. He always asks for snacks at lunch time. I tell them it is time to eat lunch and all he wants are snacks. I don't know when he will learn that lunch is not snack time. It never has been, but he still asks. :) AND about 2 hours after he eats lunch he comes to me and says, "Mom, we never ate lunch. I am hungry." haha. He must think i won't remember that they ate lunch. :)He wants to eat all day. Just like Tanner.
5. He loves to talk about the Holy Ghost. If anybody ever gets frustrated or upset in our house he is quick to tell us, "The Holy Ghost just left." It is so cute and it quickly makes us smile. He is our little peace maker. :)
6. He can be pretty demanding and high maintenance. He needs something to do all the time. There are a few times where he and Tanner can play all day upstairs together, but sometimes he just acts like he is going to die of boredom unless i have something planned for him every minute of the day.
7. Oh, he is so fun and so funny. He just makes us laugh everyday. He brings us so much joy. And he is the sweetest little boy ever! :)

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Goodness, those pics are so cute!!! I love them!!!! :) Ash, that is HILARIOUS that you wrote about Gavin calling you "Momma"!!! Not even kidding you, Jocelyn does the SAME THING! When I started reading it, I thought "I bet it doesn't drive her crazy". haha!! I can't stand it when Jocelyn says Momma! I remind her that I'm Mommy! :) Anyway, that made me laugh!!!!!!!! I can't believe Gav and Joc are going to be FOUR!! That went by TOO FAST! :(