Friday, January 30, 2009

Keep your SNIT to yourself...

My friend had this on her blog and i found it to be a very good read. Click the image to enlarge. If you haven't read my post under this one, please do. :)


Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Since I'm not a mom, I don't really feel qualified to respond. So, I'll offer up a post from my cousin who is feeling the flip side of this:

Not snit...just perspective.

The Hiller Family said...

Glad you love it like I do!

Some days I feel like going back to when I was single or first married with not kid/s and then as I think about how nice it would be, I realize it wouldn't be that nice! I love having Ethan around! He's only 2, but gosh we have fun together!! I wouldn't ever want him gone... until he's 18 or 19!! he he