Wednesday, March 25, 2009

{The past 2 weeks}

Have been busy! We've had my brother and parents here, Tanner got pneumonia, then Shane's mom came to visit....and for 2-3 weeks i have had a sinus infection, Shane's had allergies... basically someone in this household has been sick for the past month. I finally got put on some antibiotics so it should be cleared up in a few days. pheeeww. I will finally be able to sleep and taste my food. I can't wait. I have also been busy making myself a tote bag, hoping to use it for a diaper bag. I will post some pics when i am done, but i am already finding different patterns and materials for more sling bags and tote bags to start on soon. I could make a ton of these. They are fun to make and soooo cute! I am in my 28th week now. Time is going by fast. Seriously. This baby already acts like he is ready to come out. He is so darn active that i can't believe it. He gets hiccups like 5 times a day. I think he might want to make an early appearance in this world being that he is already trying to kick his way out. I am not making any predictions though. :) I am already excited about getting this baby out of me and being able to start running again. :) I am excited to see wat he looks like. I already know his personality is more like Gavin's. This baby acts very similar to the way Gavin acted in my belly.

Unfortunately i didn't take any pictures when my mom and dad and bro came to visit. If i had i would have posted the pics. When Shane's mom was here i carried my camera around so i was able to get some pics. Here are some of the things we did... Usually i would put my pics through photoshop to make them pop more, well, i didn't this time. Hopefully they still look good! :)

These pictures were taken at the Natural History Museum. We get in free with our Boonshoft pass. We couldn't believe we hadn't been there yet. The boys LOVED it.
These next pics were taken at the Great Lakes Science Center. We get in free here with our Boonshoft pass too. ;)
These next pics were taken at the zoo. We get in here for free with our Boonshoft pass too. Yes, the Boonshoft pass gets you into all kinds of places for free. It is only $59.00 a year too. It gets us into the zoo into Idaho Falls for free, so when we go visit shane's fam we will go there for free! It really is a great deal. You should look into it. Well, i guess i shouldn't say we get in free, but just a few visits to the zoo would cost us $ we have definitely used up the $59.00 a long time ago, so technically we get in for free. Great deal.
And here we are at the park just down the street from our house. Another free trip. ;) Jeez, i can't get enough of this free stuff.


Amanda said... need to get yourself a netti pot...and FAST! I have used one each time I get a sinus infection and it goes away within days...with no meds. would help Shane with his allergies! Serious!
That zoo looks like a lot of fun!!! Our zoo just had a new baby panda bear arrive. I can't wait to see it!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

We've been talking about going to the zoo as well--the boys look like they had a blast! You need a gorilla pod so that you can get in some of those pictures.