Tuesday, March 3, 2009

{Potty Training Progress}

Tanner is doing awesome. I set the timer every 20 minutes and when it goes off i tell him it is time to sit on the potty. He sits, gets a sticker for sitting, even if he doesn't go. Today, he went potty 5 times on the toilet....each time he pottied he came to me and told me he had to go. So, he did that all on his own. And he went poop once. I am so excited about this, i can't even tell you. :) I will have to type out his progress after tomorrow is over.


Lauri said...

What a big boy, Tanner!!! Awesome!
I can't believe the bachelor last night, Ash. So ridiculous!!!! My Mom and I were watching together and we were SO ANNOYED when he dumped Melissa! What a punk!!!! I really don't think Molly is the better fit for him, but oh well.

H.Cook said...

You go, girl! Sounds like a great way to potty-train... I will have to keep that link in mind for when Clara's ready.

I started "The Firm" today and it is fun! Clara loves the stepstools too :)