Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fun, fun, fun...

Okay, in the top two pics, Gavin is wearing papa's hat and decided he needed to try Santa's cookies to make sure they taste good enough for him. And they did. :) In the next picture Zsa Zsa came home with two huge stuffed animal dogs. Gavin's is the one on the right and he named him Clifford...Gavin named Tanner's dog for him...Flea. Cute huh? I can tell Gavin is growing up because he is putting his terrible two's behind him, and he is going to bed without any fuss. In the past he has never slept good away from home. It is soooo rewarding watching him turn back into the sweet little boy that he is.(Those terrible 2's really were terrible) For the longest time i thought i was doing something wrong as a mother, but now i can relax a little and not be so hard on myself. :) Then in the next picture you can see the boys playing with toys. Papa put all the toys downstairs in a designated toy area. They love playing with all the little people. It is freezing here. It was 9 degrees yesterday. Yikes! Uncle Brion is coming home today and we are excited to see him. Holly is coming home on the 19th, and Stephen is coming home on the 21st. I can't wait because we are having a girls outing...we are going to get our hair cut and highlighted and go out to lunch. Anyway, i will post about that later.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How fun! I love how Gavin named the dogs. That is so precious! It sounds like you guys are having a great time! How long are you staying for? I can't believe it was that cold!!! WOW!!!

Have fun on your girls day out, that sounds like a blast!