Tuesday, December 4, 2007

RuN FoR IT!!

Well, i guess i should have listened to Tanner when he said he had to go pee. No, just kidding. The boys decided to pour Gavin's water bottle all over the floor, getting themselves soaked in the process. And this picture is of their getaway when we found out what they were doing! What you don't see in this picture is Tanner's little accomplice...Gavin saw us coming and made a break for it, leaving Tanner high and dry. Some partner in crime he is. As you can see. He is having a difficult time getting up the stairs with his extra load. Just thought this was a funny picture and i wanted to share it with you.


Amanda said...

How funny! boys will be boys! I thought Tanner was a little young for potty training, but you never know! I love the picture!!!

I bought a Canon Rebel XTi 10.1 MP. I have 2 lenses with it. It is amazing!!!!! There is so much that I can do with it. I also have a great editing program. Microsoft digital imaging. It is great!

Hatsuho said...

awwww... cuteness! I laughed out loud when I read the first sentence of this post-- you have such a good writing voice! Btw, I'm thinking of making your eggrolls this week!

The Jenks Fam said...

That is too cute! Sounds like Gavin is a lot like Brayli--runs when there is trouble! I miss you guys. Glad you got the package. Jared was starting to get worried! I am so ready for Christmas too. I can hardly wait to see all my family. FUN!

Lauri said...

Ahhh! Love those boys! That is just so cute...Gavin says, "see ya, Tanner. I'm out of here!" ha ha! Good thing they are so adorable..they can get away with a lot!