Monday, December 17, 2007

Sledding day...

We went sledding today and it was sooooo much fun! We got those cheap $5.00 sleds, but they worked great! We went flying down the hill. Gavin loved it! Most of the time he just slid down the hill on his bum. We are going again tomorrow because we enjoyed it so much. Then at the end of the week we are going to a ski resort where you can go down the hill on huge tubes with a lot of people. You don't have to walk up the hill b/c they have a rope type thing that pulls you back up. Anyway, we had not been sledding in the LONGEST time, and it was Gavin's first time and we just had a blast.


Amanda said...

How fun!!!! The last time I went sledding was so long ago! It was a blast!!!

I bet Gavin had so much fun! What a cutie! You and hubby look like you had a blast!!!!!

I love the pictures!

Lauri said...

Cute pics, Ash! You know what we do with Jocelyn for sledding? We use a laundry basket for her and put a blanket around her! She LOVES it and she feels safe! Gavin might like that! :) Give everyone hugs for me!

Amanda said...

that is a great idea with the laundry basket!!!! I will have to remember that when Hannah is bigger! Great thinking!

Melissa said...

It looks like you guys are having so much fun. Your older son is so sweet looking and you can tell he is just having the time of his life. Isn't family great.