Friday, December 7, 2007

My Story...

Hi, my name is: Ashlee
but you can call me: Ash
Never in my life have I: Had braces.
The one person who can drive me nuts is: Shane :) i luv u.
My high school is: Jenks High school
When I’m nervous: my stomach gets tied in knots... i try to talk myself out of being nervous.
The last song I listened to was: Josh Groban's CD 'Awake'(luv it)
My hair is: Brown and long.
When I was 4: I was so cute(what happened?)... chubby cheeks(still have those), piggy tails.
Last Christmas: We were at the Jenks home!
I should be: Finishing x-mas card orders.
When I look down I see: Toys all over the toy room. That is what a toy room is for i guess.
The happiest recent event was: Shane finishing his finals.
If I were a character on ‘Friends’ : I would have been Rachel and Phoebe all in one.
By this time next year: We will be in the middle of our third year of Dental School!!!
My current gripe is: I cannot wait until Boards are done!!!!!(i know, i am not the one having to take them, but i feel the pain of it :)

I want to learn more about: photoshop(i took a class on it in College, but can't remember any of it!) and photography.
I have a hard time understanding: why people make life more difficult than it needs to be.
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: Shane
I want to buy: a DSLR camera so that i can start doing photography. (next year!)
Where do you plan to visit in the next year: Minnesota, D.C. , Idaho, Riviera Maya, New York.
If you spent the night at my house: Hopefully you would get some sleep.
The world could do without: angry people
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: hhmmm... i really don't know.
Most recent thing someone else bought me: umm, x-mas gifts, but i don't know what they are yet.
My middle name is: Christina
In the morning I: Feed the boys, clean, and exercise
Last night I was: Helping Shane study.
There’s this guy I know who: has been studying all day and night for 2 weeks. :) hehe.
If I was an animal I’d be a: LION
A better name for me would be: Feisty, believe it or not.
Tomorrow I am: going to work out, clean, get my card orders done, read.
Tonight I am: going to spin, do strength training, attempt to watch some t.v., maybe read some more.


Amanda said...

Ok, where do you find these fun "all about me" things!? They are so fun and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read them!!!

If you need info on cameras or editing software, let me know. I would love to help!!! I love my camera and I love doing pictures. It is so fun!

Melissa said...

Ashley so about what happen to my knee...A little over 2 years ago I was in a car accident and ended up having to have a spinal back surgery that lastest 9 hours long. Well after I came out of the surgery my left leg was lke paralized. After months of wearing a brace and using a walker the feeling came back to it but i was left with major nerve damage which is very painful. So since the surgery I have had pain almost constantly in my leg and final after 2 years of it I went and for and MRI and I had torn cartliage and the fluid from the cartlieage leaked out and caused a cyst behind my kneecap. So they will repair the cartleage and remove the cyst and then they will cut a ligament to free my kneecap cause it is being held wrong. Ithink the surgery is arounbd 2 hours or a little more and then off too recovery. sorry for so much detail.

Thompson's said...

Jenks family we tried doing a blog, we have just posted pictures we have not messed with it much but you can check it out.