Saturday, January 26, 2008

Daddy-son outings...

Well, it has started...the boys are doing their own guy outing's. Shane came home from school early yesterday, at about 11:00 a.m. He had told Gavin the day before that they were going to have a slumber party together the next day(which was last night). Well, when he got home Gavin and Shane both decided that they wanted to go see a movie at the theater instead of having a slumber party. They went to watch The Bee Movie. They went to the store before hand and got a lot of candy. They came home and said they really had a lot of fun. Gavin said, "i watched busy bees and we ate candy and pretzels." Anyway, it was their first real outing together and i was excited for them. It was so cute to watch. I enjoyed some peace and quiet while they were gone b/c Tanner was down for a nap the whole time. It is nice to have quiet all to myself every once in awhile. I might have to encourage more daddy-son outings. :)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That is so great! how cute. That is great that Shane takes time to go out. I'm sure he is so busy with school. Gavin will always remember these simple little things.

It is ALWAYS nice to have peace and quiet, even if it is only for a short amount of time!