Sunday, January 13, 2008


I have to give a talk in Sacrament meeting on the 20th. They found out that we still haven't spoke in church yet and we have been here for a year and a half, so they jumped right on that one!!! Anyway, i must say, i hate giving talks because i get so nervous. If anyone has a remedy on how to make the butterflies go away, please tell me! But, i love speaking at the same time b/c i love learning more about what i have to speak on, and i love feeling the spirit the entire time that i prepare for it. Feeling the spirit is the BEST part. I know when i am on the right track while preparing because i feel the spirit strongest during those times. Often times i think to myself, "is this even good? people are going to be bored. everyone already knows about this." But, i just try to have faith in what the spirit is telling me as i prepare, even if to ME it seems dull, maybe it won't be dull to just ONE person. :) Anyway, now that all my Ohio friends know that i am speaking, maybe just show up to church after Sacrament meeting. Save me from the huge crowd! thanks! :)


H.Cook said...

Oh, I'm excited for Sunday! You are a GREAT speaker/teacher, and I always love hearing your comments/testimony in Relief Society. I am a "teacher" by profession but I still get really nervous in front of people (could you tell I was sweating profusely last week?). The thing with speaking in our ward is, the noise level is so loud you might think nobody is listening to you, but I'm sure the parts that people hear will be exactly what they need :) Good luck preparing!

Amanda said...

ok, good luck. i hate talking in church. our ward hasn't asked us yet. we have been here for 2 years. i will probably get a call now, i just jinxed myself!

good luck! What is your topic?

Lauri said...

Oh, I hear ya on that one!! You know me, I do NOT like giving talks!

You will do great! Despite what you think, you are a wonderful public speaker! Plus you are just so darn cute, people love you! :)

Does Shane have to give a talk too? That's only fair...right??