I made my yummy dijon basil chicken for dinner, with a baked potato. I was excited to be able to sit down and enjoy a yummy meal. In the middle of the meal Gavin started making these weird loud noises with his tongue. Then Tanner thought it was funny so he decided to join in. It was so loud and i just kept telling myself, "oh my goodness, the day is almost over" repeatedly in my head. Well, suddenly, Shane decided to join in with his own noise. Before i knew it i was surrounded by 3 apes making their little chants. It was really quite distracting. I could no longer enjoy my meal. I started feeling sorry for myself actually. "Can't i have some human interaction? What is going on here! Please, stop!" Well, they finally decided to quiet down. Now i think about it and it really is funny. But, what is it with guys making noises? I have two older brothers and all growing up they made sooooo many weird and obnoxious noises. Anybody else have brothers who did this?!
You are hilarious! I hear ya on getting some peace around the house SOMETIME! :)
You have two older brothers...are you sure about that?!?! I thought I knew your family! :)
We need to catch up soon!
LOL, I laughed out loud reading this post! I could just imagine you sitting there thinking, "Oh my goodness." It is especially funny that your husband joined in. It is definitely a guy thing, Chris makes weird animal noises too. He likes to squawk like a bird when I'm talking to my mom on the phone... so strange!
hahah! Okay, Hatsuho that is hilarious that chris does that!
Lauri, oh my gosh! I am losing it! I said 2 older brothers! haha! For those of you who don't know...i have an older brother and a younger brother! :)
What is it with men and their noises? Kevin is always singing odd songs. It always makes me laugh. Sometimes he will sing one song and I will sign another, all at the same time. Hannah just looks at us, I'm sure she is thinking "who are these idiots?"
I love that all your boys were sounding like apes. right on!
All I can say is I feel your pain!!! It isnt easy being the only girl in the house sometimes. And whoever Hatsuho is my husband does the same thing she makes these LOUD bird noises and it seriously sounds like a bird is going to attack...Crazy guys!
Yes, Melissa's husband does make this amazingly loud/scary almost bird noise. It sounds so real. I can't help but laugh!
I'm glad that I am not good at making animal noises.
I can't stop laughing. Mom
I can't stop laughing. Mom
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