Friday, June 27, 2008

My two little stinkers...

I don't know what is with Tanner's poopies lately, but this is what happens. He goes poo poo. I change it about 15 minutes later, just to make sure he has it all out. About 10 minutes after i change him i smell poop! I am like, "Did you seriously go again Tanner?" I change him about 15 minutes after i realize he pooped again. Then 10 minutes after i change him for the second time i smell poop AGAIN! What is with that? He has done that the past two mornings! Crazy kid! Can anyone beat that record?! 3 Poops in one hour?! I would seriously like to hear it if that is possible! :) hehe. Oh and somewhere in that one hour Gavin calls out "mommy come wipe me!!!" Sheesh...why do they go at the same time?

One more thing worth taking note of...Tanner is definitely getting more personality. Everywhere we go he has to wave HI to everyone. If we walk by someone that he wants to wave to and that person isn't looking at him he will go over and stand by them and stare directly at them until they look at him and then he waves. It is actually very hilarious. He waves and waves, even when we have walked past the person, he turns around and keeps waving. Gavin sort of follows along with what Tanner does. In the morning it is now tradition for us to go to our front window and wave Shane off to school. The boys LOVE waving bye bye to daddy. Tanner gets really into it. He has a wave that you see Ms. America doing. He laughs while he waves daddy off.
Eating the cooke dough off of the blender wisks. I always give it to them so they can lick it! :)

Yesterday the boys and I had a fun filled day. We made cookies, well, Gavin made them. Gavin LOVES to help me cook and Tanner LOVES to help me clean. It is nice that i get help in both of those areas! :) Anyway, then we went to the pool and i realized there that Tanner has no fear of the water. He actually does something similar to Bree...he kept putting his face in and out of the water. He fell under the water twice. I had to run over and pull him out and the other time a lady pulled him out. I have to keep my eye on him!! It is funny how different Gavin and Tanner are b/c Gavin does fear the water. Gavin keeps a tight grip on me in the water and tanner wants me to let go of him!! Then we went to the library which lasted all of about 5 minutes because my dear son Tanner decided he didn't want to stay quiet(what a surprise) and started running and screaming all over the library. I was talking to the librarian when i hear him scream and i was like, "OOOkay, i have to go." Anyway, it was a fun day.


Dave and Loralee said...

where'd you get your suit?? I'm trying to find another one and I think I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and pay some serious money for one. lame.
good thing floaties are allowed at lindsey's pool!!! :) lauren came the other day and the kids had lots of fun just playing by the steps. just waiting for the next sunny day...

The JL McGregor Family said...

haha! Isn't changing a diaper like the grossest thing a person could do? And we just forget how gross it is and do it over and over because there is no other choice (which is why it becomes not so gross I guess). And our kids just don't understand...once when my mom was here, Logan wanted her to wipe him. I told him that I would and he insisted, "No, grandma WANTS to wipe me." Like it was some great opportunity...

The JL McGregor Family said...
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