Monday, June 30, 2008

This shall pass...

One of my friend's called the weather in Cleveland bipolar and i have to agree. It feels like spring still with all the rain, and having the temperatures jump to 90 degrees one day and the next day dropping to 66 degrees. I need more consistency in my life. I need weather that i can depend on.

Anyway, Tanner baby is sick AGAIN. Not sure how he got it... There are so many possibilities....At the kids care at the gym which i put them in 3 times a week, Nursery at church, or the time last week when Shane looks over and see's Tanner sucking on the belt strap on the shopping cart at Giant Eagle. Yup. No wonder he gets sick a lot. He had a fever on Saturday and Sunday and today for awhile. He has been vomitting for 2 days, but right now it seems like he is feeling better. Gavin must have given it to Tanner...maybe. Because on Friday Gavin just randomly started saying that his throat hurts, and then he was like, "I have to puke." So we pulled the car over and let him vomit. Since we couldn't hide anywhere we were in the back of a parking lot and there was a drive thru with cars lined up within seeing distance of what Gavin was doing. Let's just say, there were probably some people who lost their appetites very quickly. But he was fine right after that and right before that. It was weird. I am hoping that i don't get it! PLEASE!!!

We have a camping trip that we are going on this 4th of July. That is a big reason why i am hoping i don't get sick. Shane never gets sick so i am not worried about him getting it. We are camping out on Thursday and Friday night with a bunch of friends. I cannot wait! And soon after that we are headed to Idaho to see family. We cannot wait. It is sort of like Christmas for us with how excited we are. Not only do we get to see them, but we are headed to the Riviera Maya with my family right after that. I will have plenty of pics to post after we get home from there. I am so looking forward to it, but don't want it to come too fast b/c once it all starts it will go by soooooo quickly....i just want it to last forever. :) Who wouldn't.
3Here is Gavin talking on the phone with his Zsa Zsa and also with his Grandma Jenks. He loves talking on the phone to them. After he talks to one he has to talk to the other. He just loves talking on the phone to anyone. He tries to beat me to the phone when it rings so that he can answer it. Whenever i am on the phone, even though he doesn't know who i am talking to he will ask me over and over "can i talk? can i talk? can i talk". It is like a broken record. It is so hard to have conversations on the phone, not only b/c he desperately wants to talk to the other person on the line, but also b/c Tanner usually gets upset when i walk in the other room to escape the noise...he starts screaming at the door. Speaking of phones....does it ever seem like the person on the other line is whispering? I always say "what?, huh?, say that again?, i can't hear you," but they never talk into the phone louder. Or maybe i am deaf.
Okay, i am expressing a pet peeve at the moment. And i am talking more about conversations with people other than friends. Also, get this...I called Bally's the other day(a different one than the one i go to) to see if they have spinning classes. Here is the conversation, "Hi i was just wondering if you have cycling classes?"(i can hear the music blaring in the background)... Lady says, "i am sorry what did you say?" I spoke louder, "Do you have any cycling classes." Lady says, "i am sorry, the music is so loud i can't hear you, what did you say?" This time i yelled in the phone, literally, "DO YOU HAVE ANY CYCLING CLASSES?" She heard me that time. But i wanted to say, "if you can't hear your customers on the other line then maybe the music needs to get turned down a little or you need to turn the volume up on your phone." Right? Goodness gracious.

Here is Tanner one minute, and one minute later here he is again...
Not feeling so well.


Amanda said...

poor Tanner!!!! What a cute boy though!

Gavin looks like he is so full of personality! I love it!

Lauri said...

We should just have Jocelyn and Gavin talk on the house phones and then maybe we can actually talk on our cell phones! LOL!!!! Great plan! :) Jocelyn is the SAME way! She thinks she can answer my phone anytime and she is always saying, "LET ME TALK, LET ME TALK!" UHH! Either that or she gets grumpy when I am on the phone. "Mommy, let me tell you my feelings....You are ignoring me!" OH BOY! THAT GIRL!!!